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Who is Dividing God's Land?

Isaiah speaks of a great battle in 34:4-6 against Edom: (4) And all the host of heaven will wear away, and the sky will be rolled up like a scroll; all their hosts will also…

Babylonian Arts of War

We are living in a time when nothing is as it appears to be. Evil men have refined the art of deception to near perfection. It seems that these students of deception have…

The Invasion of Gog and Magog

Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophesies an invasion of "the mountains of Israel" coming from a coalition of forces led by "Gog of the land of Magog." This prophecy assures us that Gog is one…

Should Christians Support Israel? Final

Christians should support the Kingdom of God. Fleshly kingdoms or countries of origin may be supported insofar as that support does not conflict with our submission to Jesus…

Should Christians Support Israel? Part 8

If an Edomite had been converted genuinely when they were absorbed into Judea (126 B.C.), he would have joined the company of "good figs" whose hearts were right with God. Any…

Should Christians Support Israel? Part 7

There is another very important prophetic case of mistaken identity in biblical history. Once again, it involves a dispute over who is truly "chosen" to fulfill the Abrahamic…

Should Christians Support Israel? Part 6

So far our discussion has centered largely upon the true identity of Judah. The Scriptures make it clear that this is an issue of citizenship, not of genealogy. Jeremiah 24 tells…

Should Christians Support Israel? Part 5

I do believe that Christians should support Israel. The problem is that most Christians support a counterfeit Israel. It is a case of mistaken identity. So what happens if…

Should Christians support Israel? Part 4

When God called Israel out of Egypt and formed them into a kingdom at Sinai, He both "called" and 'chose" them as His "peculiar treasure" (Ex. 19:5). From the beginning, however,…

Should Christians support Israel? Part 3

To understand today's conflicts in the Middle East is not possible without a clear understanding of the roots of the conflict in the book of Genesis. One must also know how that…

Should Christians support Israel? Part 2

When I was young, I was taught by the church denomination that we were to support Israel at all costs, because they were God's chosen people. It was not until later that I…

Should Christians support Israel? Part 1

President Obama's recent speeches have continued America's Mideast lip-service policy to establish a Palestinian state, using the 1967 borders as the basis of negotiations.…

Report on Wave-sheaf offering

In discussing the word and revelation of the Second Passover this week end, it seems to be getting clearer that the 9th sign of Elisha (dinar revaluation) will probably occur at…

Explaining Paul's Teaching on Hagar and Sarah

Since the 2011 "prophetic year" began last November, we have had time to observe the two 76-day periods that give us the setting and theme for the coming year. This time it was…

How God casts out the bondwoman

In April of 1998, Sunny Day Roberts invited a few people to Spokane, WA for a "Symposium," which is defined as a conference to discuss some topic. We did not know the topic when…

Deaf ears are being opened

Earlier this week at our Bible Study on the evening of April 11, some others shared before the main teaching session. The flow of revelation seemed to focus upon the fact that God…

The Melchizedek Order--Part 4

In looking at Ezekiel 44, so far we have focused mainly on the idolatrous priesthood that has been disqualified and barred from the Most Holy Place in the Divine Temple. The "sons…

The Melchizedek Order--Part 3

Ezekiel 44 prophesies of a future time, based upon the pattern of change in the priesthood from Abiathar to Zadok. Recall that Solomon had "dismissed Abiathar from being priest to…

The Melchizedek Order--Part 2

Melchizedek came as a king-priest of Jerusalem (Gen. 14). Many years later, King David was also called not only as a king but as "a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek"…

The Melchizedek Order--Part 1

Melchizedek was the king-priest of Salem (Jerusalem) mentioned in Gen. 14:18. Historically speaking, he was Shem, the inheritor of the Birthright from Adam, which he inherited…