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The Responsibilities of the Three Angels

On July 18, the day that we won the latest prayer campaign, I received an email from Willem in The Netherlands who shared that he had experienced a time of "darkness" recently.…

God's Statement of Intent

God is the original Globalist. Babylon has attempted to usurp that title in order to use the nations for its own self-aggrandizement. Ultimately, the power brokers behind Babylon…

The Great Confession

In 1 Cor. 15:25 Paul writes, "The last enemy that will be abolished is death." Most Christians, it seems, have not really pondered the implications of that statement. Paul's…

Sabbaths and Ages

For those who are still hesitant that the "God of the Ages" puts no limitation on God, the same might be said of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Does that limit God to those…

The Argument of Augustine

The early Church understood that the biblical term kolasin aionian meant "age-lasting judgment." This was primarily true in the Greek-speaking portion of the Church, because…

Objections Answered

By the responses to my previous blog on the Ages, it appears that I must explain again one point of contention that is being misunderstood. It is the objection that says olam and…

The Ages in Prophecy

The Scriptures divide time into successive ages. Each age is an indefinite time period, including "The Age," which was seen as the Messianic Age when the Messiah would claim the…

The importance of the Septuagint

The Septuagint (LXX) is the "authorized" Greek translation of the Old Testament that was produced by 72 Jewish scholars. They began their translation about 280 B.C. No one is…

A New Look at June 30--Part 2 Final

Yesterday I leaned toward the opinion that the dinar revaluation would probably be delayed for two months until August 19-30. I based this on the patterns of 1997. Even as the…

A New Look at June 30--Part 1

On June 26 I ventured a 40% chance that the Iraqi dinar revaluation would occur by July 1st. At the time I thought this was somewhat "optimistic." I have now changed my mind. I…

God's Plan for America--Final

It is clear from history, prophecy, timing, and the meaning of names that America has an important role in the divine plan. America is one of the primary manifestations of Israel…

God's Plan for America--Part 7

In Part 6, I showed how Israel and Judah split over the issue of high taxes without representation (1 Kings 12:10). This was the same issue that arose in 1776 when America…

God's Plan for America--Part 6

When Israel and Judah were divided after the death of Solomon, the primary reason given in Scripture was in regard to high taxes without representation. In 1 Kings 12:4, the…

God's Plan for America--Part 5

It is a matter of plain history that America was founded 2,520 years (7 "times," or 7 x 360 years) after the House of Israel began to deported to Assyria. It is also a matter…

God's Plan for America--Part 4

There are some truly major biblical concepts that one must believe and understand in order to know the mind of God and His divine plan. 1. Abraham's calling was to be a…

God's Plan for America--Part 3

When Columbus first arrived at the island of Hispanola in North America, he did not understand the prophetic time cycles behind his discovery. Having been commissioned by…

God's Plan for America--Part 2

When Israel arrived at Mount Sinai to hear God's voice, they were too fearful to hear more than the Ten Commandments. (See Exodus 20:18-21.) So Moses had to go up the Mount to…

God's Plan for America--Part 1

To understand how America fits into the divine plan prophesied in Scripture, we must first acknowledge that the name America nowhere appears in Scripture. However, this does not…

Economics and the Kingdom

The debt-usury system of Mystery Babylon, of which the Federal Reserve is Debtor-in-Chief, was doomed from its start. This is because its very success in putting the government…

The Battle for the Crown

June 12 is Pentecost this year. As a feast day, it is an automatic watch date to see what God is doing in the earth today. Along with it is the 10-day "tarrying" period leading…