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The Laws of Time in the physical and spiritual worlds

Time cycles usually portray a cause-and-effect relationship between two events. Something begins on one date and ends (or completes) at the end of the cycle. But when we engage in…

The Open Door

Revelation 3:7 reads, "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who…

Hezekiah's Second Pattern--October 8

On Sept. 23, 1996, we declared the Jubilee on the Day of Atonement, which is the biblical day for any Jubilee declaration. Lev. 25 says, (9) You shall then sound a ram's horn…

Proofs that Jesus is the Messiah

In recent years a new method of Scripture study has been developed known as Equidistant Letter Spacing (ELS). It is done by looking at every 7th letter in a verse, or 10th letter,…

A little biblical math lesson

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." "In the beginning" has a numeric value of 911, which equals the numeric value of charis, "grace." Thus, His grace…

911 and Isaiah 9:8-11

I recommend listening to this one-hour teaching (broken up into 3 segments of 20 minutes each) by Jonathan Cahn. He is a messianic Jew from Beth-Israel in New York, and he shows…

How to divide Time into proper Ages

About 160 years ago, the Church saw the rise of a new teaching called Dispensationalism. Their definition of "dispensation" was a period of time in which God dealt with mankind in…

The Individual and Collective Perspectives

Much of what I write speaks of the corporate body, rather than of individuals. No doubt this is a cause of some questions or apparent disagreements. In yesterday's blog about the…

The Republic of Israel--Part 3

So far we have covered two important time cycles, 390 and 490 years, each ending in 2010 with the establishment of The Republic. There is a third important time cycle to consider…

The Republic of Israel--Part 2

In Part 1, I addressed the 390-year connection between Israel and America. The number 390 is particularly associated with Israel in Ezekiel 4:5, even as the number 40 is…

The Republic of Israel--Part 1

In looking back to the year 2010 to see what happened on a prophetic level, there is one prime event that seems to fulfill all of our expectations. It was the restoration of…

The Work of the Watchers--Part 5 (Ron's testimony)

Ron sent me an email with this testimony, commenting on the Los Angeles quake that occurred at 4:31 a.m. on Jan. 17, 1994. He lived in California at that time, and I met him a few…

The Work of the Watchers--Part 4

October 16, 1989 was the day that I resigned from the Net of Prayer. God had joined me to the Net of Prayer on November 12, 1981 without my knowledge. I discovered what He had…

The Work of the Watchers--Part 3

After the initial phase of the Jubilee Prayer Campaign was completed in November of 1993, we then began to discuss its effects on the earth. What would we see? When? The most…

The Work of the Watchers--Part 2

We were living in Washington state in 1994 when the mid-term elections were held. Some time before the votes were cast, I heard on the radio that the Republicans wanted to…

The Work of the Watchers--Part 1

The Jubilee Prayer Campaign started in November of 1993. This took place shortly after the end of the Pentecostal Church Age, which had lasted 40 Jubilees from 33 to 1993 A.D.…

A few more lessons

Lesson #15: Fasting compresses Time. I have mentioned in the past the principle that fasting compresses Time. The primary example of this was when Jesus fasted 40 days in the…

Elijah has ascended--Watch for Elisha

Yesterday we received a significant revelation: "Elijah has ascended." Recall that from April 12, 2009 to July 15, 2010 we saw the first eight miracle-signs of Elisha come to…

Lessons 8-14 on Spiritual Things

When God created the heavens and the earth, He established them upon fixed laws to function according to His will. These laws are both natural and moral, and they rule the heavens…

7 Basic Lessons on Spiritual Things

Because so many new people have begun reading these blogs in recent months, I think it would be helpful to give a few thoughts on spiritual warfare and spiritual things in…