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Three Periods of 1,260 Years

The Two Witnesses are said to minister for 1,260 "days" while the nations tread down the holy city (New Jerusalem and its principles). The Two Witnesses are said to be the two…

Treading Down the Holy City

In looking at the big picture, it is plain to see that the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 are not the first in Kingdom history to have such a ministry. God has based His entire…

The Purpose of the Two Witnesses

When I was young, I was given the impression that the job of the Two Witnesses was to go around blasting sinners with fire from heaven if they dared to arrest them. Or if any…

The Sons of Oil

The Two Witnesses in Zechariah 4 are Joshua and Zerubbabel, but in Revelation 11 they are described in terms of Moses and Elijah--though not named specifically. Rev. 11:4-6 says,…

The Two Olive Trees

In Zechariah 3, Joshua was given new clean garments. This occurred in a vision that was given to Zechariah (3:1), so we should not think that the high priest had simply…

The Seven Eyes

I was drawn to Zechariah 4 today and noticed a few things that may be of interest to some of you. This is the primary Old Testament passage about the Two Witnesses, Joshua and…

Deliverance from Assyria--Final

There is one final item remaining in our study of Isaiah 10. Verse 26 reads, "And the Lord of hosts will arouse a scourge against him [Assyria] like the slaughter of Midian…

Deliverance from Assyria--Part 3

In the Old Testament there were various "oppressor" nations that God used to discipline Israel and Judah for their persistent lawlessness. By the time we come into the New…

Deliverance from Assyria--Part 2

There is no doubt that God always takes the credit for bringing Israel and Judah into captivity on account of their sins. In Isaiah 10:11 tells the prophet, "Shall I not do…

Deliverance from Assyria--Part 1

There are two "Asher's" in the Bible. The first was Jacob's son, who was so named in Gen. 30:13, because his mother said, "Happy [osher] am I, for the daughters will call me…

The Feast Days in the Story of Gideon

The book of Judges is a book about Sonship that is told in the names of the judges themselves. Othniel means "the force (power) of God" (Judges 3). When we see the connection…

Attaining the Power of His Resurrection

A musician friend of mine came to town last night to minister in a nearby fellowship. I went to the meeting to see him, and as I drove there, I was praying that the Father would…

On Being Fruitful

Salvation is portrayed in the feast days as a three-step process: Justification, Sanctification, and finally Glorification. It is portrayed in the story of "the church in the…

The Timeless Nature of Spiritual Warfare

Earthly events occur in a realm that is bound by time and space (location). The spiritual realm has no such boundaries or limitations. The interaction between the earthly and the…

Principles of Spiritual Warfare--Part 3

A good example and illustration of spiritual warfare is found in Exodus 17, when Israel fought with Amalek at Rephidim. Moses told Joshua to conduct the physical warfare while he…

Principles of Spiritual Warfare--Part 2

The sacrificial system under the Old Covenant was an ancient way of doing spiritual warfare. This fact was masked, however, largely because we have thought of "warfare" in terms…

Principles of Spiritual Warfare

In the first chapter of Numbers, we read that the twelve tribes of Israel were numbered. A census was taken of all the men of military age (20-50), "whoever is able to go out to…

How Eternal is Eternal?--Part 2

There are many scholars who tell us that no ancient language had a direct expression of "eternity" as we know it today. The Hebrew olam literally means "obscurity" and expresses…

How Eternal is Eternal?

Augustine, the fifth-century bishop of Hippo, argued against Universal Reconciliation in his book, The City of God, XXI, xi, "Moreover, some of those against whom we are…

No Longer Strangers

When speaking of the new Temple that God was building, not in Jerusalem but in the New Jerusalem, Paul makes the point in Ephesians 2:17-19, (17) And He came and preached…