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Babylon's Failure and Responsibility--Part 6

In the course of showing the divine plan regarding the captivities of Babylon, Esau, and the various nations in the book of Judges, I have tried to show the failure of all flesh…

Babylon's Failure and Responsibility--Part 5

In order for God to give justice to Esau, He had to make us as blind as Isaac, so that Esau could pretend to be Jacob and take the Birthright, along with its name, Israel. This…

Babylon's Responsibility and Failure--Part 4

The law of the hated son in Deut. 21 protects the oldest son from a father who prefers to give the family birthright to a younger son--something that was common in those days of…

Babylon's Responsibility and Failure--Part 3

Babylon's long-term Cursed Time cycle began in Judges 3:8 with Israel's first captivity to the king of Mesopotamia (Babylon). It is not likely that anyone could make the necessary…

Babylon's Responsibility and Failure--Part 2

Israel's first captivity to the king of Mesopotamia in Judges 3:8 was the beginning of an eight-year captivity as well as a long-term 8 x 414 year type of Babylonian captivity on…

Babylon's Responsibility and Failure--Part 1

Prophecy is usually multi-layered. Many have said that there is only one true fulfillment of prophecy. The truth is that they have only seen one fulfillment, and if another shows…

The Chosen Path

I have tried to show that the two Mandates of Genesis 1:26-28 are the two halves of the Birthright. The Dominion Mandate represents the divine calling (election) to rule as God's…

The World vs. the Bible on Homosexuality

It is hardly possible this week to listen to the news without hearing something about "gay rights" in the military. While they try very hard to focus on the issue of legal…

The 7th Sign--Part 2

We saw quite a number of good signs occur on or around January 27 recently, including Joseph being raised from the dead. There were others that I did not mention for various…

The 7th Sign

I was unable to find time to do a weblog yesterday, because of the telephone and visitors. That often happens in this line of work. In the 7th sign of Elisha (2 Kings 4), the…

Prophetic Events of Matthew 17

The story of Peter's revelatory confession in Matthew 16:16 is packed with prophetic significance for us today. Last summer we drove from Minnesota west to Washington, then…

Prophet Events of Matthew 16

Matthew 16 opens with a discussion about SIGNS. Jesus said in verse 4, "an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a sign will not be given it except the sign…

Prophetic Events in Matthew 15

The message of Matthew 14 was primarily about feeding the people with the true Word of God, which, in the hands of the Living Word, the bread takes on a life of its own and…

Prophetic Events of Matthew 14--Part 2

In Matthew 14:22-36 we read the story of Jesus walking on the water to the disciples in the midst of a storm. The same story is told in John 6:16-21, where we learn that Peter…

Prophetic Events of Matthew 14--Part 1

In Matthew 14, we read the story of King Herod's lawlessness and how John the Baptist spoke out against his life style of the rich and famous. As a result of this, Herod's wife…

Some Principles of Spiritual Warfare

When Jesus went into the high mountain to pray, He sent His disciples across the lake into the teeth of a storm. This was prophetic of the tribulation and trials that would…

The 6th and 7th Signs of Elisha

Last Sunday I returned to the church where I had taught the Word two weeks ago. I went just to fellowship with the brethren. I learned then that the church was going on a…

What we have learned from the first 3-1/2 year pattern (2006-2009)

Two things are clear from Revelation 11 in regard to the Two Witnesses. First, it is clear that their ministry of preparing the way for Christ is successful. In this regard,…

War on the Saints

Having brought the ministry of the Two Witnesses up to the present time (2010-11) by the third cycle of 1,260 years, we can now discuss the meaning of Rev. 11:7. "And when…

The Third Period of 1,260 Years

Two days ago, it occurred to me that since there were two periods of 1,260 years that ended in 1789, perhaps there might be a third as well. There are, after all, two or THREE…