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Turning our Captivity

Daniel prophesied of four beast nations/empires that would rise up in succession to fulfill the judgment of God upon Jerusalem for its sin of hypocritical religion. They had given…

Nebuchadnezzar is a Type of Modern Leaders of Babylon

In the time when the Babylonian Empire dominated much of the Middle East, the king of Babylon became full of pride over his accomplishments and successes. But God gave him a…

Applying the Law of First Fruits

Last evening as I was praying about what to write in today's blog, the Lord gave me Lev. 19:24-25, (24) But in the fourth year all its fruit shall be holy, an offering of…

Ezekiel's Temple and the True Temple

Beginning with Ezekiel 40, the prophet speaks of a "rebuilt" Temple. He describes it in Old Testament terms, which should be interpreted in a New Testament manner, as John did in…

God Prophetically Named the Stars--Final

Leo, the Lion We have already written about Leo leading up to this present series, particularly in regard to the Sickle of Leo that emerged on September 20. The Hebrew name…

God Prophetically Named the Stars--Part 6

Gemini, The Twins The Hebrew name for Gemini is Thaumin, "the united." The Copic name is Pi-Mahi, "the completely joined." Gemini usually pictures two young men walking. One…

Joseph is Taurus--Concluding Remarks

One more thing . . . The two comings of Christ relate to Judah and Joseph, the first being a struggle for the throne of Judah/David, and the second being the struggle for the…

Joseph is Taurus the Ox

I thought it would be a good idea to interrupt the current series on the Stars in order to relate Taurus with Joseph. Joseph has emerged as one of the keys to what God is doing…

God Prophetically Named the Stars--Part 5

Aries, the Ram The Hebrew name for Aries is Taleh, "the Lamb." Its Arabic name is Al Hamal, "the sheep, the merciful, the gentle." Its Accadian name is Baraziggar, "altar, or…

God Prophetically Named the Stars--Part 4

Pisces, the Fishes The Hebrew name for Pisces is Dagim, "the fishes." The Egyptian name is Pi-cot Orion or Pisces Hori, "the fishes of Him who comes," showing that the fish…

God Prophetically Named the Stars--Part 3

Capricornus, the Sea-Goat The Hebrew name for this constellation is Gedi, "the kid," or "cut off." Capricornus is Latin and means "the goat" or "atonement." Its Egyptian…

God Prophetically Named the Stars--Part 2

Scorpio, the Scorpion The Hebrew name for Scorpio is Akrab, which means either a "scorpion" or "wounding." This sign in the heavens is pictured as a scorpion with its tail lifted…

God Prophetically Named the Stars--Part 1

Since the topic of the Sickle of Leo has become relevant lately, it has opened up a need for a broader study on the other constellations. So I thought it would be helpful to give…

The Sickle of Leo--Part 2

The Sickle of Leo forms the front portion of the constellation Leo, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. But each of the 12 main constellations also are associated with 3 lesser…

The Sickle of Leo

About an hour before dawn on September 20, 2009, an unusual event took place in the constellation of the lion (Leo). Venus came into conjunction with Regulus, the King's Star…

Melchizedek and Abram--Part 2

When God intends to intervene in the earth, He must first raise up someone on earth to bear witness to that which He wants to do. In this way all things are established by a…

Melchizedek and Abram--Part 1

When Shem (Melchizedek) met Abram with bread and wine, establishing the first communion ceremony, it revealed some very important prophetic and spiritual principles for us today.…

The Allegory of Noah's Three Sons

I tend to assume that if I write it, people have read it, remember it, and can recall it immediately when needed. This, of course, is ridiculous, and so I have had many "reality…

Jews Dwelling in the Tents of Shem--Part 2

Noah's prophecy in Gen. 9:27 can be looked at racially, religiously, spiritually, or legally. Don't let all of these viewpoints scare you, but people do have different…

Jews Dwelling in the Tents of Shem

I wrote last week how God lost the House of Israel ("Gomer" of Hosea) among the sons of Japheth also named Gomer (Gen. 10:2). This was an ingenious plan, foreshadowed by Noah's…