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Casting Out the Bondwoman--Part 2

Because the bondwoman (Hagar) is specifically identified with Jerusalem in Galatians 4:25, it is imperative that Christians understand how they should view that physical city.…

Casting Out the Bondwoman--Part 1

In Galatians 4:30, Paul quotes from Genesis 21:10, "Cast out the bondwoman and her son; for the son of the bondwoman shall not be an heir with the son of the free woman."…

Old and New Jerusalem--Part 2

The OT prophets said nothing of "New Jerusalem." But they prophesied of it many times, perhaps to some extent unknowingly. Isaiah 62:1, 2 speaks to Jerusalem saying, "you will be…

Old and New Jerusalem

(Yesterday I had to deal with a major virus on my computer, which shut me down most of the day. The problem was difficult to fix, but we were finally successful. I apologize for…

The Birthright and Sonship--Final

In ancient times the rabbis disputed whether the Messiah would be born of Judah or of Joseph. Each side could point to supporting proofs. Would he be Messiah ben Judah? or Messiah…

The Birthright and Sonship--Part 3

At the heart of the world problem, from a biblical perspective, is whether or not God has the right to tell mankind what to do, and whether or not He has the right to be the Judge…

The Birthright and Sonship--Part 2

When it comes down to nitty-gritty, the biblical idea of being "chosen" is centered around the calling (and the right) to fulfill the Fruitfulness Mandate. In the days of Abraham…

The Birthright and Sonship--Part 1

The Gospel revelation has progressed since the beginning. With Adam we see a simple statement in Gen. 3:15 about someone who would crush the serpent's head. But without subsequent…

How to Believe the Gospel--Part 2

The Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom. One may speak of other gospels such as the Gospel of Salvation, but these are all subsets of the Gospel of the Kingdom. To understand the…

How to Believe the Gospel

The New Testament "Gospel" is the good news that the King has come. It is the proclamation that Jesus is King, proven by the righteousness of God when He vindicated Jesus by…

Laying Claim to God's Creation

We are the heirs of the promise to Abraham (Gal. 3:29). Abraham was made "heir of the world" (Rom. 4:13). Abraham is known as the father of Faith, that is, the father of those…

The Great Commission--Part 2

Those who believe that the Great Commission applies only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel generally point to Jesus' statements that appear to teach this. In Matthew…

The Great Commission--Part 1

In reading the newspapers these days, and in looking at the downward spiral of morality in the West, one would think that Christianity itself is on the wane. But what is actually…

Authority as an Amen Principle

On July 1, I wrote about authority in relation to free will but failed to express the underlying point that I was trying to make. The article was written in response to someone…

Pan Revealed in Matthew 16

In Matthew 16 Jesus took the disciples to the Grotto of Pan in Caesarea Philippi. The Grotto was called "The Gates of Hades," because it was a cave at the bottom of a huge rock.…

God's Sovereignty and Man's Authority

The dispute surrounding the meaning and extent of God's sovereignty has been debated for thousands of years with no consensus in the end. Usually, this debate centers around the…

Two Bears,Two Golden Calves

A couple weeks ago while I was in Idaho, I was reading an old Bible Dictionary and discovered that the city of Dan was later called Panea and Caesarea Philippi. There were two…

Another Bull with Two Horns

There is another circumstance that puts people on "the horns of the bull." It is where we must determine whether to obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29), or else to submit to the…

The Two Horns of the Bull

The Church in the wilderness under Moses had two main problems that teach us today what NOT to do. These are the two "horns of the bull" that we must avoid in order to succeed…

The Battle of Gideon Today--Part 3

In Isaiah 10:24-27, the prophet speaks of the time when God will deliver "My people who dwell in Zion" (vs. 24) and remove their "yoke." Every deliverance in the past, both…