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The Battle of Gideon Today--Part 2

The "little horn" of Daniel 7 and Rev. 13 was given power to overcome the saints until the end of days. Then the situation is said to turn around. Revelation 12:8 says that at the…

The Battle of Gideon Today--Part 1

The story of Gideon is related in Judges 6-8. Israel had rebelled against God's rule for the fourth time, thinking that God did not have the right to be their King and tell them…

The Next Miracle of Elisha--Part 2

The fact that there were precisely 42 young men in 2 Kings 2:24 suggests that this is a prophetic story, because 42 is a highly-charged prophetic number. In fact, it normally…

The Next Miracle of Elisha--Part 1

In the days leading up to the Salt Company meetings in Nebraska, the Lord revealed a number of things to each of us, which we put together at the meetings themselves. Most of…

The Salt Covenant with Jericho

We returned from the Virgin Islands last Friday, and returned from Nebraska last evening. Both trips were successful. In the Islands, our daughter and fiance got married on the…

Elijah and the Foolish Virgins

Let us look more closely at the role of John the Baptist, so that we can see the calling of the current Moses-Elijah company. Matthew 11:13, 14 says about John the Baptist,…

The Elijah Task--Part 4

To really understand the Elijah task that is set before us, it is important to see the difference between the Kingdom of God and a Christian nation. America was established as a…

The Elijah Task--Part 3

The governments of men generally believe the principle of self-interest. It is the core principle of most Nationalism and Patriotism as well. "What's good for America" is right;…

The Elijah Task--Part 2

Revelation 11 speaks of "the two witnesses" whose ministries are described in terms of Moses and Elijah, although no names are given. Verse 6 says, "These have the power to…

The Elijah Task--Part 1

For many years we have watched for the beginning of the Elijah ministry. Now that this time is upon us, we are learning details that we did not know until now. We already knew…

The Science and Theology of God is Light

Having written previously that all matter is made of "God particles," which are the smallest (indivisible) pieces of matter, the question is naturally raised: Does God have a…

Reconciling God Particles

The Bible is the written record of the progression of the Kingdom of God from its creation in Genesis 1:1, through the disruption of sin, and finally to the great Jubilee of…

The Resurrected Israel--Final

Israel came under a covenant relationship with God through Moses in what came to be known as the Old Covenant. It was a conditional covenant, having IF clauses in it. . . "IF you…

The Resurrected Israel--Part 3

Israel "died" in 721 B.C. when Samaria was conquered by the Assyrians. In other words, it was the death of "statehood," though many of the individual people themselves survived…

The Resurrected Israel--Part 2

Ezekiel 37 prophesies of a resurrected house of Israel that includes all 13 tribes (with Levi). Verse 10 says, "So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath [ruach,…

The Resurrected Israel--Part 1

If a resurrected body is different from the present mortal body on a personal level, then it would be reasonable to say that the same is true of a national resurrection.…

The Resurrected Body--Personal and National

1 Cor. 15:35 says, "But someone will say, How are the dead raised? And with what kind of body do they come?" Paul's answer to the question above brings in the analogy of…

Israel and the Nations--Part 4

In the centuries following Adam's fall, the nations rebelled against God and usurped His creation for their own use. God then called one man, Abraham, intending to work through…

Israel and the Nations--Part 3

The gospel writers were careful to include teaching that was relevant to the people among whom they ministered later in the first century. It is for this reason they were careful…

Israel and the Nations--Part 2

The theme of Matthew's gospel is: Behold your King (Lion). Mark's theme is: Behold the Servant(Ox). Luke's theme is Behold the Son of Man (Man). John's theme is Behold the Son of…