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Uniting Shem and Japheth

The house of Israel was taken captive by the Assyrians from 745-721 B.C. God divorced them for spiritual adultery with other gods (Jer. 3:8) and sent them out of the house in…

The Prophecy of Artaxerxes' Decree--Part 2

Yesterday in "The Prophecy of Artaxerxes' Decree" I wrote about the prophecy of Noah that Japheth would dwell in the tents of Shem (Gen. 9:27). It was 1776 years later (888 x 2)…

The Prophecy of Artaxerxes' Decree

In studying history and the timing of King Artaxerxes' decree to rebuild Jerusalem, I came across an interesting piece of information that relates to the New Jerusalem today.…

Understanding Time Cycles

To understand what is going on today, one must know how things got started many years ago. Likewise, to understand anything about the timing of prophetic events, one must know the…

Thea's Story--Part 5

As Thea interpreted the Star Vision, the location of each point was a "place of refuge" in troubled times that lay ahead. Just how literal or symbolic this might be is yet to be…

Thea's Story--Supplemental Digression

Thea's “Star Vision” must be understood in the context of the 15-year time frame from 1978-1993 and by knowing that this was the climax of the Pentecostal Church Age. Pentecost…

Thea's Story--Part 4

The Charismatic Renewal began in the Roman Catholic Church in Canada on August 20, 1968. In many ways it was the result of the new-found freedoms established by the Vatican II…

Thea's Story--Part 3

Refugees were categorized by nationality and religion in those days, and Thea's parents had been nominally Catholic. So she was sponsored to go to a Catholic high school and…

Thea's Story--Part 2

Everyone in the basement of the church was required to make the decision of their life with little time to think about it. Twelve-year-old Thea recalled that there were close to…

Thea's Story--Part 1

I received the revelation about the Hezekiah Factor about 1:00 a.m. on October 4, 1994 while in a hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I was there with David Adamiak and my son, Ryan, who…

September 28--Prayer for Worldwide Jubilee

Yesterday I seemed to be getting new revelation as I was writing, but needed an evening to pray about these things and see if the Father would confirm all or any part of it. We…

Of Times and Seasons

Being "watchful" as Jesus instructs us in Matt. 24:42 and in Rev. 3:2 of necessity must have something to do with knowing the "times and seasons" that are given in each generation…

Separating Wheat and Barley

The other day, at the end of the web log, I mentioned that back in 1985-1986 the Lord separated the overcomers from the church. I think it would be helpful to explain that…

Revolution in the Wind

As I observe the course of American history in the past century, it appears that we are now reaching a point of great change. You might even call it a revolution. It appears to me…

Casting Out the Bondwoman--Final

In my booklet, The 1986 Vision of the Two Gulf Wars, I told of a vision that I had of being taken to Saudi Arabia, where an angel described two Gulf Wars that were to come. The…

Casting Out the Bondwoman--Part 7

It all comes down to faith, which is a heart response to the voice of God that produces action ("works"). But faith must be rooted in truth, or it is not true faith at all.…

Casting Out the Bondwoman--Part 6

In 1982, when it was first confirmed that I was indeed "hearing" God's voice, I adopted the practice of asking Him for what I called a "personal verse" after writing down what I…

Casting Out the Bondwoman--Part 5

Prophetically speaking, the "son of the bondwoman" persecutes Christians. We see this on all three levels of fulfillment in history. These three levels are: 1. Judaism (legal…

Casting Out the Bondwoman--Part 4

When we refuse to cast out the bondwoman, we set ourselves up to be placed into bondage or captivity. This applies both individually and nationally, as well as spiritually and…

Casting Out the Bondwoman--Part 3

The bondwoman (Jerusalem) was unable to attain the promise of Sonship (the promised seed), because even as Isaac could only come through Sarah, so also must the corporate Son come…