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The Crowning of David

The year 2000 is best known for the Y2K computer problem that didn't happen, but it was very important for other reasons. It was the end of the 7 1/2 year transition from Saul to…

Building the Walls of the New Jerusalem

When the Net of Prayer first went into spiritual warfare in November 1981, it was on account of the "breach" in the prayer wall of protection around "spiritual America." At that…

A Glimpse of the Future

There is a physical world, and there is a spiritual world which overlays it in another dimension. The physical world is a shadow of the spiritual world. The spiritual is the…

The Pentecostal Nature of the Lakeland Revival

Many have asked me for my thoughts on the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. My normal response was that I had heard both good and bad reports, and that I support what God is…

Wormwood, Prince of Rosh

Dragon's End Prayer Campaign concluded three rounds of battle in 1997, 1998, and 1999. Yet this war was just part of a larger seven-year warfare from 1993-2000, which we called…

The Dragon Wars--Part 6

Recall that the Tyson-Holyfield fight (June 28, 1997) resulted in a third-round disqualification after Tyson bit Holyfield's ear twice. The first time the referee gave Tyson a…

The Dragon Wars--Part 5

As I wrote at the end of Part 4, the Israelis celebrated their Jubilee in 1998 by cutting jail time ten percent for selected prisoners. The headline of Ha'aretz called it "Jubilee…

The Dragon Wars--Part 4

The opening bell for the Dragon Wars occurred in 1996, when the dragon was cast down to the earth according to the pattern of Rev. 12:9. We understood at the time that we would…

The Dragon Wars--Part 3

The trip we made to Texas, Florida, and North Carolina in 1997 was primarily to set boundaries so that the dragon could not eat the Pearl (Corpus Christi, the "body of Christ").…

The Dragon Wars--Part 2

From July 16-21, 1996 and again from Sept. 15-20, 1996, we engaged the Dragon in spiritual warfare to cast him out of the heavens, according to the pattern of Revelation 12. His…

The Dragon Wars--Part 1

In September of 1996 an unusual astronomical event occurred for the first time in history. The moon passed through the womb of Virgo, the Virgin, and moved down to her feet, while…

The Coronation Stone

It has often been the case that the Lord's word would come ten years before it was actually applicable. In general, this is due to the Hezekiah Factor, which I have explained…

A Short Profile on Timing from 1995

In writing about the events in 1995, I took the time to revisit my records at the time in order to refresh my memory of those events. I tend to forget many details, because…

The New Net of Prayer

The Church rejected the call to prayer and intercession from 1981-1986, so God separated the overcomers in 1985. This way the overcomers would not be implicated by the decision of…

The Separation of Barley and Wheat

As we approached the end of a 5-year call to prayer (1981-1986), God did something unexpected on April 8, 1985. The Lord suddenly came upon me, and began to reveal a great…

How Long Was Israel in Egypt?

Many Bible chronologists have made the mistake of thinking that Israel was in Egypt 400 years. They have misread Genesis 15:13 and 14, which says, " (13) And God said to…

Chronology of the Septuagint Text

Everyone has their fair share of critics, and I am no exception. I accept this as a basic fact of life, and it does not bother me in the least when people disagree with me. I have…

A Slight Correction on Haggai Series

I wrote earlier that Martin Luther was excommunicated in 1520. Actually, he was excommunicated on January 3, 1521. Pope Leo X responded to Luther's 95 Theses on June 15, 1520…

The Timing of the Haggai Ministry--Final

When we look at the two major time cycles (210 and 390), both ending in 2010, and realize that such a convergence would not occur again for another 2730 years, we cannot help but…

The Timing of the Haggai Ministry--Part 3

The 7-year Jubilee Prayer Campaign began on Nov. 21, 1993, and the first phase of the warfare ended eight days later on November 29. We understood at the time that this warfare…