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The Timing of the Haggai Ministry--Part 2

Haggai's prophecy is dated in the second year of Darius, king of Persia. We call it 520 B.C. today. His primary thrust was to finish building the Second Temple, which occurred in…

A New Revelation of 390 Years--Addendum

Ancient Israel had two periods of 210 years to mark their "time of Jacob's trouble." The first was their 210 years in bondage to Egypt, ending with the Exodus. This correlated…

The Timing of the Haggai Ministry--Part 1

As I said earlier, I believe that the fulfillment of Haggai's ministry was 2,520 years after he actually prophesied. This comes to the years 2001-2006. For years I wondered how…

Haggai--Prophet of Tabernacles

Haggai was a "post-exilic prophet," which just means that he prophesied after the Babylonian captivity, or "exile." He prophesied in Jerusalem while the people were building the…

America's Time of Jacob's Trouble--Part 3

The primary American cycle reflecting "the time of Jacob's trouble" is from 1776-1986. However, like with most cycles, there is more than one beginning point, and therefore more…

America's Time of Jacob's Trouble--Part 2

I wrote previously how America's beginning in 1776 was the end of 12 x 210 years from the beginning Israel's captivity to Assyria in 745 B.C. I also wrote how this number 210…

America's Time of Jacob's Trouble--Part 1

As I explained earlier in my weblog regarding time and measures, the number 21 and 210 are associated with "the time of Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7). Jacob had two times of…

What Are the Many Mansions?

In John 14:2 Jesus says, "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would not have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." The term "mansions"…

Meat and Manna--Part 2

In Exodus 16:16 we read the divine instructions on gathering manna in the wilderness, "This is what the Lord has commanded: Gather of it every man as much as he should…

Meat and Manna--Part 1

We may be entering a difficult time in history, with food and energy shortages, and where some people may become fearful. So it is appropriate that we look in Scripture to see how…

The Judgments of God--Part 2

There are two "horns of the bull" that we must avoid. They are the two extreme positions. The first is the position that God's judgments are so extreme that He would torture…

The Judgments of God

David wrote in Psalm 19:9 and 10, "The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether. They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter…

Blessings and Curses--Final

James tells us that, as Christians, we ought not to use our tongues to curse people. Jesus says to bless those who curse us, rather than curse them in return. We read periodically…

Blessings and Curses--Part 3

In Genesis 12:3, the Hebrew word for "bless" is barak. It is the usual word in Scripture for blessing. However, it also has a strange secondary meaning, because it also means…

Blessings and Curses--Part 2

Previously, I mentioned the false accusation in which the Romans are blamed for crucifying Jesus. The fact is, Jesus was the Sacrifice for sin. He fulfilled all the sacrifices of…

Blessings and Curses--Part 1

When prophecy teachers identify nations incorrectly, they often end up maligning innocent people or nations. This, we have seen, is one of the problems with identifying Gog as the…

Gog's Invasion in Ezekiel's Prophecy--Final

Ezekiel's description of Gog's destruction is very similar to that found at the end of Revelation 19, where it speaks of the overthrow of Mystery Babylon just prior to the first…

Gog's Invasion in Ezekiel's Prophecy--Part 4

Ezekiel's prophecy about Gog's invasion is somewhat difficult simply because there is no evidence that any nation has ever called itself "Gog," and this is the only place in…

Gog's Invasion in Ezekiel's Prophecy--Part 3

Once we have properly identified the relevant people in Ezekiel 38 and 39, we may then turn to historical records and see how the prophecy has been fulfilled. Once we know who to…

Gog's Invasion in Ezekiel's Prophecy--Part 2

So far we have focused primarily on Ezekiel's reference to Togarmah, because I believe it is the key to understanding Gog's invasion of "the mountains of Israel." Most prophecy…