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Medo-Persia--A Christian Nation

In contrast to Babylon's absolute monarchy, Persia was a constitutional monarchy. In other words, the king was bound by his own law, once it had been established and decreed.…

Babylon--A Christian Nation

In Daniel 4, King Nebuchadnezzar was given a dream which the prophet interpreted. He dreamed of a great and beautiful tree, which was chopped down at the decree of "the watchers"…

How and When to Establish a Christian Nation: Part 6

I have tried to show the basic difference between a Christian Nation and the Kingdom of God in order that you might know how best to expend your energy. While I certainly would…

How and When to Establish a Christian Nation: Part 5

There is a difference between a Christian Nation and the Kingdom of God. In terms of biblical types, it is essentially the difference between the reign of King Saul and the reign…

How and When to Establish a Christian Nation: Part 4

Force is never a proper substitute for the Holy Spirit. Force may indeed establish a Christian Nation, just as it has established Muslim nations; but force can never establish the…

How and When to Establish a Christian Nation: Part 3

The Kingdom of God must be established by peaceful methods, that is, by the willing consent of the people, not by violence that forces people to accept what they do not believe or…

How and When to Establish a Christian Nation: Part 2

The Kingdom of God can be traced back to the Garden of Eden. It was lost through sin, and Adam and Eve were expelled. This does not mean that they were unbelievers, however. It…

How and When to Establish a Christian Nation

Legislators in Poland recently introduced a bill to make Jesus the honorary King of Poland. Some centuries ago they actually passed a law making Mary the Queen of Poland, so this…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 14

At the end of the eleventh chapter of Acts, Luke returns to the history of the apostle Paul. The story of Peter's great revelation in chapters 10 and 11 lay the foundation for…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 13

Toward the end of Acts 9, we are given an interlude in the life and ministry of Saul/Paul. Luke turns his attention upon Peter to show us some of the miracles that he did in those…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 12

The Saul of the New Testament is the antitype of King Saul of the Old Testament, for both of them persecuted the overcomers. The New Testament Church, the Body of Christ, was the…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 11

Caesarea was a city built by King Herod in honor of Augustus Caesar. This was not Caesarea Philippi, but rather Caesarea Sebaste, also called Caesarea Stratonis. Herod also built…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 10

After Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch in the eighth chapter of Acts, Philip was caught away to another town by the Spirit of the Lord. We read in Acts 8:39, 40, " (39)…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 9

Simon Magus was the founder of Gnosticism, which is the religion of the "DaVinci Code." It takes elements of Christianity and combines them with Simon's Eastern Philosophy and…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 8

In the eighth chapter of Acts we find the story of Philip, who went to Samaria to preach the word in the midst of persecution. Stephen had just been stoned to death for his…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 7

Throughout history, men have set forth their philosophies about the best forms of government and how to choose leaders and their successors. Monarchies developed out of the…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 6

Acts 6-8 presents a lengthy New Testament type in the stories of Stephen and Philip. These were two of the seven original deacons in the Jerusalem Church. It seems that Stephen…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 5

The feast days of Israel provide for us the basic outline of all Bible prophecy. When Bible teachers stopped studying these feasts, considering them to be applicable only to Jews…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 4

In the third chapter of Acts, immediately following the account of Pentecost, we read in verse 1: "Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 3

A few years ago I wrote a book called Hearing God's Voice. I have long wanted to write a sequel entitled Understanding What You Hear. But I found this sequel to be more difficult…