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God's Will and Plan: Part 2

When God spoke the Ten Commandments to Israel, they did not have ears to hear or eyes to see, and so they ran away in fear rather than draw near to God in faith. The story is told…

God's Will and Plan

Many people have stumbled on the issue of Free Will and God's Sovereignty. This issue has divided Christians since the beginning. It was even one of the dividing points between…

Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness

Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness are close relatives, but they do have their differences. Grace postpones judgment and limits judgment for sin in the law of Jubilee. Mercy seeks to…

Sonship in the Hebrew Alphabet

In my web log from February 17, I wrote how the word "man" (male) in Hebrew is ish, which is derived from esh, the Hebrew word for "fire." There are two words for "son," the first…

The Man of Fire

If you read yesterday's web log, you will have the tool at your disposal to do a study of the Hebrew word for fire--esh. It is where we derive our English word "ash," which is the…

Hebrew Alphabet Tools

Each Hebrew letter represents a sound by which words are spoken. But each letter is also used as a number and a word (picture). And so when I speak of numeric values (gematria) of…

Fruitfulness in the Kingdom: Part 2

Paul says in Romans 8:19 that "the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing [unveiling, or manifestation] of the sons of God." This presents us with…

Dominion in the Kingdom: Part 2

In his book, Rediscovering the Kingdom, Myles Munroe says on page 40, "There are no peasants in the Kingdom, only sons." Peasants were the product of the Feudal System in the…

Dominion in the Kingdom: Part 1

In the beginning, God established Adam's Birthright, consisting of two "mandates," the Dominion Mandate and the Fruitfulness Mandate (Gen. 1:26-28). In essence, the earth became…

The Roots of American Idealism: Part 3

The rise of the Roman Church after the fourth century did not bring in the Kingdom of God. It merely established a new beast empire with Christian religion leading it. A change of…

The Roots of American Idealism: Part 2

The American experiment in the New World was a partial success for the world of white settlers, but it was a near disaster for the native Indian population. The American…

The Roots of American Idealism: Part 1

In the first few years after Pentecost, Christians were excited and fervent about their new spiritual empowerment through the Holy Spirit. Their optimism about the power of…

The Feet Crushed

In Matthew 21:44 Jesus made mention of the feet of the Image in a warning to the Jewish leaders, which came at the conclusion of a prophetic parable. Not many today have caught…

The Great Competition

If you have understood what I have written up to now, one major point should stand out to you: All Christian Nations, beginning with Israel under Moses, have failed to live up to…


When the Scriptures were translated into the common language of the people, and the development of the printing press occurred in the mid-fifteenth century, the people began to…

Rome--a Christian Nation: Part 3

The meaning of "Chosenness" [i.e., "The Elect"] in the Bible is hidden to those who do not understand the essential difference between a Right and a Privilege. Herein is the…

Rome--a Christian Nation: Part 2

Throughout most of the fourth century, the Roman Empire was still undivided. Recall that Daniel's prophecy of the nameless beast with iron teeth (Dan. 7:7) corresponds to the two…

Rome--a Christian Nation: Background

I have shown earlier that each of the beast empires prophesied in Daniel 7 had submitted in some manner to the God of the Bible. Together, these empires formed the single image…

Torture Now Part of the American Soul?

George Monbiot writes an article in The Guardian for December 18, 2006 an insightful article about the American torture policy and how it has affected the prisoner, Mr. Padilla.…

Greece--a Christian Nation

Having shown how King Nebuchadnezzar came to recognize the Most High God as sovereign over Babylon and over himself; and having shown how Medo-Persia went further by declaring…