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New Testament Types in Acts: Part 2

Prophetic types and shadows did not end at the cross. They have continued to the present time and serve as "the signs of the times." Types are of two varieties: short-term and…

New Testament Types in Acts: Part 1

We are accustomed to thinking in terms of Old Testament types, followed by New Testament fulfillments of those types. While this principle is certainly true, there is more depth…

Prophetic History of Nov. 21-29: Part 4

Whenever Nov. 21-29 has manifested over the years, it has revealed the divine plan on some level. Some movement occurs each time, with the primary theme being moving to or from…

Prophetic History of Nov. 21-29: Part 3

In 1993 the Lord told us that the purpose of the Jubilee Prayer Campaign was for the overthrow of Mystery Babylon. Knowing that a world system like this does not collapse…

Prophetic History of Nov. 21-29: Part 2

It is easy to see how so many people can become discouraged by the Time Factor when following the leading of the Lord. When we begin this journey, we assume that God speaks…

Prophetic History of Nov 21-29: Part 1

On November 21, 1947 the United Nations was presented the Palestinian Resolution. It was debated and then passed on November 29, 1947. Forty years later, on Nov. 29, 1987, I…

Prophetic History of January 23

Each new prophetic year begins and ends with the feast of Tabernacles. God always does something new each year and has a different revelation for us that starts small and builds…

Zionism Prophesied in the Bible: Part 2

The formation of the Israeli state in 1948 was the fulfillment of two sets of Bible prophecy. The first was Isaac's promise to Esau that he would have the dominion some time in…

Zionism Prophesied in the Bible: Part 1

When the Israeli state was founded in 1948, it was hailed by many Christians as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. They were right, but they were often looking at the wrong set of…

A New Wind is Blowing

Many of you reading this are relatively new readers. I hope that you will take the time to go back and read some of the earlier web logs. Since I normally do not write a web log…

The Three Doves

Noah's flood was a disaster for the unbelievers, who did not understand the truth of the situation until the flood came and took them all away (Matt. 24:39). So also will it be in…

The Year of Noah's Flood

The sheer magnitude of this week's tidal wave (elections) is now beginning to emerge. We had been shown last month, as you know, to watch November 8, and at first I did not…

The Bondwoman to be Set Free: Part 3

There are three levels of meaning to the story of the bondwoman in Scripture. In a way, they are like body, soul, and spirit. The physical bondwoman (Hagar) is represented by her…

The Bondwoman to be Set Free: Part 2

The promise of the Holy Spirit was given in the second chapter of Joel. When the Spirit came to the disciples in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost, Peter quoted from Joel's prophecy…

The Bondwoman to be Set Free

Christians in Denver are stunned today to find that the leader of the National Association of Evangelicals has resigned over allegations of homosexual relations over the past…

The Essential Issue Behind our Babylonian Captivity

For many years I have been reluctant to inform people about the negative elements of our captivity to Mystery Babylon. This is because most of the time those who have published…

The Illusion of Scientific Religion

A century ago scientists discovered that atoms were electrical in nature and not "solid" at all. This discovery had a tremendous impact in the religious world, because men began…

Get Real

There is a religious philosophy that claims we create our own reality. It is based upon the idea that reality is really not a constant, but is different for each person. That…

The Power of Forgiveness

In any study of biblical law, the biggest obstacle that one encounters is the law's inability to forgive. It is not the function of the law to forgive, for it can only condemn…

The New Man Chosen

In the beginning God created man in His likeness and image (Gen. 1:26, 27). But Adam sinned, and they lost the image and likeness of God. There was, of course, no change in their…