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Dividing God's Land

On December 23, 2016 the United Nations passed a resolution, with the US representative abstaining, to enforce their original division of Palestine and to create a two-state…

List of US coups in other countries since 1949

Here is a listing of the countries where the CIA has interfered since the late 1940’s, either in their elections or by supporting military or political coups. It seems to me that…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on the need for a counter coup The CIA has long engineered coups in other countries. Now we…

News events preceding the Kingdom of God

The downfall of South Korean president, Ms. Park Geun-hye, is the latest government leader to be overthrown in the popular uprising against the past “New World Order,” which we…

The Power of Forgiveness

On October 21, 2016 Nigel Bigpond led representatives of 1000 Native American tribes to Washington D.C. to officially forgive the US government for their mistreatment of the…

Dominoes are raining on the New World Order's parade

First it was the UK’s Brexit last July. Then the USA with the election of Trump and the rejection of Hillary Clinton. Now Bulgaria and Moldova have elected presidents who want…

My weblog being read online

It appears that I finally wrote a weblog that people can understand.

ISIS granted safe passage to Syria

Earlier this week, on October 11, 2016, Wikileaks released a set of emails which included one from Hillary Clinton to Obama’s counselor, John Podesta, saying, "the governments…

Implications of the new alliance between Russia, Turkey, and Iran

Turkey does not want a Kurdish State to be established either in its territory or on its border. Iran and Iraq agree with that, because creating such a state would inevitably…

An Israeli Jew renounces Zionism

Here is a letter published by Michael Korn, who moved to Israel in 1983, got citizenship in 1985, found Jesus in 1999 and finally became disillusioned with the Zionists’…

The Saudis offer Russia a deal

The release of the missing 28 pages from the 911 report has implicated Saudi Arabia in the attack on the Twin Towers. The Saudis had threatened to sell their stash of US bonds in…

Brief history of Gulen, the CIA, and Mrs. Clinton

This information is from Diane Kepus at this site: . "So the CIA plan is to once again decide who should be at the head of…

The failed military coup in Turkey

The Brexit on June 23 was a major political shift affecting the EU, but the failed coup in Turkey on July 15 will probably prove to be even more important. It affects not only the…

Winds of change are blowing

The events of the past few days have been game changers. First, the murder of five Dallas police officers by a Muslim terrorist has served to deflate the planned “Day of Rage”…

Tribute to Christina Victoria Grimmie

The massacre in at the gay nightclub in Orlando on the evening of June 11 has overshadowed the assassination of Christina Victoria Grimmie a day earlier on June 10, 2016. She was…

Mina, Mina in Orlando

On Saturday, June 11, 2016 Omar Mateen, a Muslim terrorist, who comes from Afghani parents, went into the (gay) Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida and killed about 50 people,…

Obama's new transgender toilet policy for public schools

On May 13, 2016 President Obama sent a letter informing all public schools that they may lose government funding if they do not allow transgender students access to whatever…

Saudi woes may change the world

The slump in the price of oil this past year is hitting the Saudis quite hard. First, Moody’s cut the credit rating for Saudi Arabia. Now the Saudis are considering offering…

Prince's Religious Affiliation

A few days ago I wrote that Prince was a member of Eckankar. I have learned since that he said he had converted to Jehovah's Witnesses back in 2001 and baptized in 2003, depending…