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Follow up on the Burning Man festival

I wrote earlier how the Burning Man festival in Nevada represents human sacrifice, but since it is such a public event, they have to burn an effigy, rather than a real person. But…

Burning Man festival in Nevada gets a dusting

In 2006 the movie The Wicker Man came out, starring Nicolas Cage. I saw the movie, and it was easy to see that it was a movie depicting…

Harvey's aftermath and walking by faith

Scenes from flooded highways and flooded shelters in Houston are now hitting the news. The authorities know of 30 dead so far, but like we saw with Katrina in New Orleans 12 years…

The descent into chaos

Hurricane Harvey seems to be the first major step into America’s descent into chaos. I was expecting to see some sort of event take place shortly after our August 23 prayer…

Breaking News: MSNBC tells the truth

This is a 5-minute video discussion that left me rather speechless. Are journalists finally becoming disgusted with liberal nonsense and stupidity? Is the Fakestream News Media…

Kings of the East

I don’t have anything new to report on the Kings of the East, but it is interesting that the term is being used in this news article. I wonder where they got that term?…

The foremost problem in the church

I have often written about the spirit of denominationalism in the church, by which men belong to the church, rather than to Christ. Or, more specifically, their first loyalty is…

Signs of the Times

LUCIFER damaged by heat from forest fire The first sign is that a wildfire is burning at Mount Graham in Arizona and is threatening the Vatican’s telescope known as…

The pedophile supporters have spoken

Steve Scalise, Republican congressman from Louisiana, was shot and critically wounded on June 13, 2017 by James Hodgkinson of Illinois. The shooter claimed to be angry at…

Update on the Philippines

I was hoping to be in the Philippines by now on a teaching trip. However, the trip did not work out, so perhaps I will go later in the year. My goal is to spend a week in one…

Updates on world news

It has been awhile since I commented on the world news, so I thought I should give an update before continuing my series on First Corinthians. Since the “cleansing” work done…

Brzezinski’s greatest fear now fulfilled

The so-called “Brzezinski Doctrine,” set forth in his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard, is the root of the West’s conflict with Russia and China. I wrote about it here:…

Ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele comments on the missile strike on Syrian air base

Robert Steele is an insider who understands the situation quite well and has many contacts. He speaks of specific traitors surrounding President Trump who planned this attack and…

World affairs update

Dr. Steve Pieczenik, an insider in the CIA and other US government intelligence agencies, is a credible source of inside information, probably more than most other people who…

Seymour Hersh says US sent chemical weapons from Libya to Syrian rebels

The plot to implicate Assad by using chemical weapons has long been in the making. Recall that in 2013 Assad was accused by the US government of using chemical weapons, when in…

Trump’s supporters now leaving him

Even if Assad had indeed used gas against an ISIS stronghold, what gives the US government the right to attack another sovereign country? Does Assad pose a threat to America? We…

It begins

It did not take long for the Babylonians in our government to turn things in their favor. After the Trump administration let it be known that they would not continue demanding the…

Trends in the world

Much change has been occurring in the world in recent years. The most obvious right now is the political change, as Britain and the US have revolted against the Babylonian cabal…

Failure as a Way of LIfe

By William S. Lind February 15, 2016 The fault line in American politics is no longer Republican vs. Democrat nor conservative vs. liberal but establishment vs.…