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Exposure and Disclosure

When the Feds raided the office of Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal attorney, not a single objection was heard by any of the Democrats. So now the precedent has been set that an…

The war front

Any Jericho battle is hardly a complete and full manifestation of the biblical pattern apart from a harlot’s manifestation. The original story featured Rahab in a positive light—a…

Roseanne Barr says she was a victim of MKUltra

MK Ultra is a mind-control program being carried out by the CIA and perhaps other government agencies. The Wikipedia tells us: The operation was officially sanctioned in…

The storm after the calm

On October 5, 2017, the first day of the feast of Tabernacles, President Trump posed for cameras in a group picture and explained cryptically, “Maybe it’s the calm before the…

Knife control in London

Due largely to uncontrolled immigration coming to Britain, London is now having a problem with knife attacks. Guns are already outlawed, so now knives and acid are the weapons of…

Roseanne Barr and the Battle of Jericho

I have been writing about the Jericho battle being fought (prophetically) during the seven days of Unleavened Bread, which began this year on Passover, the evening of March 30,…

The Social Media war

There is a war on many fronts taking place in the Social Media these days. The reason that this war is so important is because the communications companies like Facebook and…

The looming Catholic crisis

Catholics are not going to let Pope Francis’ abolition of hell be forgotten or swept under the rug. Hell is too important to them. The crisis has just begun.…

The Leviathan of the DC swamp

The American Intelligence Media is a good source for news. Here is one recent video. We are leaving today to go…

News of Babylon and Zionism

Yesterday President Trump replaced McMaster with John Bolton as National Security Adviser. It has been rumored for months that McMaster would leave or be fired at some point, so…

Correcting the Bandar Suicide report

The video that was said to be Prince Bandar committing suicide appears to be something else. It is reported that this incident took place in the Atlanta airport about February 28,…

News from the Battlefront

Now that I have finished First John (weblogs only), I anticipate doing 2 Corinthians next in order to finish Paul’s Corinthian letters. I have not had much chance to work on the 1…

Update on watch dates and the NZ trip

In early January, I wrote that 2018 is the Year of Redemption. Each year begins with two 76-day cycles of cleansing. This prophetic year began November 11/12, 2017, and the…

Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital

Today President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli state, and he ordered the US embassy to be moved to Jerusalem.…

The rift between the US and Saudi Arabia

On October 6 I reported on the new alliance forming between Russia and Saudi Arabia, as King Salman was the first Saudi king ever to visit Russia.…

The danger in Babylon's collapse

Scripture speaks of the collapse of Mystery Babylon and its beast systems of government, law, economics and religion, but it says less about how God will cause it to collapse.…

Russia and Saudi Arabia are now best friends

Some have been predicting this for the past two years. They have said that when Saudi Arabia goes against the USA and begins forming new relationships with China and Russia, it…

Federal debt increases by $318 billion

Since I have written recently about the number 318 and its prophetic significance, I thought it was interesting that when President Trump signed legislation last week increasing…

Report on Irma/Herman

Hurricane Irma did far less damage to Florida than expected, largely due to its final path. By moving inland before hitting Tampa, it lost strength, but it also pushed the storm…

Thoughts from Alan Newton

This is from Alan... While musing the stressful events of the past couple of weeks, hurricanes and earthquakes and all of the visual events we are watching unfold, it occurred…