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Greek Debt Problem causes 1000 point drop in Dow The debt problem in Greece is only getting worse. As I wrote a few days ago, the austerity measures demanded for a Greek bailout are…

More on the oil spill

The news seems to be getting worse and worse in regard to this oil spill in the Gulf. Unless a person is actually on-site, it is hard to grasp the scope of this disaster. But as…

The Oil Spill in the Gulf

The oil spill 42 miles from the Louisiana coast is turning out to be one of the greatest disasters in history. At first they reported that 1,000 barrels of oil were leaking each…

A New $100 Bill and its Symbolism

The new $100 bill was unveiled April 21, 2010. It is scheduled to be put into circulation on Feb. 10, 2011.…

If you were rated AA, would it make you happy?

The credit ratings agencies have long employed an inherently deceptive credit rating system that reflects governmental tendencies to employ Orwellian "Newspeak" in order to…

Greek Bonds Reduced to Junk Status, and consequences

Yesterday, Standard and Poor's rating service reduced the credit rating of Greek bonds to "Junk" status. At the same time, it reduced Portugal's credit rating by two notches.…

The Discovery of Noah's Ark? What's a big boat doing over 11,000 feet above sea level? I doubt if the hull will say S.S.…

Alms for the Poor (Government)-- a new twist Comment: Would you give to a poor man who lives in a huge mansion and spends more…

Calvin Smith and the Number 62

Since I have been writing about the prophetic significance of 62, taken from Daniel 5:31, I find it interesting that Calvin Smith has stumbled across this number as well.…

House Bill would make it illegal to implant microchips without permission Of course, government always has other ways to pressure people into doing what it…

Goldman Sachs Accused by the SEC of Fraud Watch this. It may signal the final overthrow of the head of gold. It is 7 years last week…

Kyrgyzstan President Overthrown April 12 The stalemate has left Kyrgyzstan’s near-term stability in doubt. That worries the West because a U.S. air base in…

The Conflict in the Southern Philippines

Here is an example of the insurgency in the southern Philippines that has been going on for decades.…

The Kings of the East--A New Nation in Borneo

Toward the end of last December I wrote an article about "The Kings of the East" and how this is at least part of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. In the days of Daniel, the…

Correction on the Restore America Plan

On 4/10 I wrote about the Restore America Plan, and gave a link from the NESARA site which had posted news of this. Some felt that this implied that Restore America Plan was…

Jubilee Recommendation from Prof. Hudson

It looks like a Jubilee declaration is the only real solution . . . Take note of these paragraphs: There is…

Taking Rome for the Kingdom

Operation Snowmageddon has been about "taking Rome." Our main focus, of course, was the application of this to the American Rome, Washington D.C. However, there has also been…

Saber Rattling between Tehran and Jerusalem

The Israelis are reported to be saying that they will attack Iran by November of this year unless there are "crippling sanctions" placed upon Iran that disables its nuclear…

A New American Government

For the past few months a new movement has been emerging which seeks to replace the current government by corporation with the American Republic that was formed in the 1700's.…

The Pope under fire

490 years ago the pope came under fire from Martin Luther, who objected to the love of money. He posted his 95 theses on the church door at Wittenburg. On the 490th anniversay…