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AIG Bailout Secrets Sealed until 2018

It looks like AIG has won the legal battle to keep its bailout a secret. It was the insurer of many of those toxic derivatives that enabled the large banks to destroy the economy…

History of Haiti's Pact with the Devil

Here is the story as told by missionaries to Haiti. It was not written by Pat Robertson. It was written by Tom Barnett, and the date is March 11, 2004. It appears that on…

Swine Flu Pandemic Oversold Every year the regular flu kills about 35,000 people. This year has…

The Holy Spirit Coming Again to Mexico

Next week I will be going to Pensacola to hear David Hogan, a missionary to Mexico, where it is reported that many people have been raised from the dead in recent years. Today…

Are Sea Lions now Predicting another San Francisco Quake?

It is being reported that the sea lions have suddenly disappeared from Pier 39 in San Francisco. It appears that they have been at Pier 39 since the San Francisco quake on October…

The Kings of the East have arrived

On December 17, 2009 we reached an important historic event in the banker wars going on behind the scenes. President Obama was forced to sign Executive Order #12425, granting…

United Nations World Currency The United Nations has issued commemorative "medallions" in the past, but never "coins"…

Government Fudge

Recall how the government figures for the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for the third quarter was said to be 3.5% and how this was "proof" that we were coming out of recession?…

Chinese Banks and Unreported (illegal) Transactions

Here's a good example of how newspapers report the illegal activities of foreign banks but do not report what is happening in their own country. Fitch Ratings, as reported by…

British Arrest Warrant for Livni the War Criminal

Last September, the Goldstone Report was submitted to the United Nations, implicating both Hamas and the Israeli government in "war crimes." The Israelis called it…

Prophecy in the News

50 Million BLINDS recalled . . . Sounds like God is opening up the blinds. It's time for the blind to see…

Man Stuck in Birth Canal Search and rescue crews are working to free a man stuck in Utah County's Nutty Putty cave, police said. The 26-year-old is suffering…

Planning and Funding The Third Temple

People often look at me in disbelief when I make the claim that Christian Zionists believe that animal sacrifices will be resumed after the second coming of Christ. It is obvious…

I knew it was too good to be true Scroll down until you get to the article. Once again the government figures scammed the public. They had told us that the GDP…

Church coalition advocates civil disobedience against immoral government programs Well, well, it looks like the battle lines are being drawn. Church on one side, and secular…

In the News

The Israeli government announced that it will build another 900 houses for Israelis after evicting Palestinian residents. President Obama objects softly, as all past American…

Mauritius buys two tons of gold from the IMF

In October, India bought 200-220 tons of gold from the IMF, sending gold prices $100 higher. Now the little African nation of Mauritius is getting in on the act as well, buying…

Planned Parenthood director Repents May there be many more like her. People don't like the word "repentance," because it is a confession that a person has done…

Palestinian New State Solution

It appears that the Palestinian government is planning to go to the United Nations and request Statehood, in much the same manner that created the Jewish state in 1947.…