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Roman Emperor Nero Overthrown Again It looks like the outpouring of the latter rain of the Holy Spirit is collapsing the reign of Nero, the tyrant of Rome. Is this…

Scientific Explanation of the 10 Plagues on Egypt

God often works through "natural" phenomena to accomplish His purposes. The miracle is often not so much the event itself as it is the TIMING of the event. In other words, the…

Real Health Care

The health care crisis is not really caused by the high cost of medicine or by poverty as such. The crisis is the natural result of a "scientific" mindset that attempts to change…

Anubis Arrives in America

Anubis is an old Egyptian god of the dead who presided over mummification and the afterlife. He was pictured as a black dog. His home town where he was worshipped was Cynopolis,…

Don't be motivated by fear, greed, or hatred

Emotions are running high in the wake of last night's vote on the Health Care bill. Just keep in mind that as aspiring overcomers, we are not to be motivated by fear, greed, or…

New Bill introduced redefining dissidents as

America has long valued dissent as one of the most important foundations of "democracy." That era is now nearing an end. Don't get me wrong. . . dissent is still valued. The…

The New Civil War

Years ago the Civil War was fought over the "States Rights" that centered around the right of the individual states to have slavery. Today the war is centered around gun…

Hurva Synagogue Re-opened

The history of the Hurva ("ruined") Synagogue goes back many centuries. Here is its history, for those interested: It has been…

Chinese Religious Freedom coming to America?

I have written in the past that the American government is going in the direction of China insofar as its "freedom of religion" policy is concerned. In other words, freedom of…

Huge drop in unemployment rate coming soon

It looks like the jobless rate is going to drop dramatically in the next few months. The Senate failed to pass an extension for those who are collecting unemployment benefits…

Haiti Repents and 101 Voodoo Priests turn to Christ This is what occurred Feb. 12-14, 2010, culminating on the 62nd anniversary of the Latter Rain. It appears that this is a turning…

Assassination in Dubai linked to Netanyahu With so many Israeli officials wanted for international crimes, their…

To Loot by Borrowing

The government needs lots of money. Where do they get it? Since other countries have virtually stopped buying up our Treasury Bonds, the government is turning to Pension funds.…

Home Prices are about to dive again

In spite of propaganda that tries to put a happy face on the mortgage crisis and the decline in the price of houses, it may not yet be the opportune time to buy a house in…

Drinking in the Assyrian god Nisroch

Powerade is now marketing a new energy drink called Nisroch, named after a long-forgotten Assyrian god of agriculture. Is this really benign, or is it a way to market the spirit…

Biblical Money--The Still Report

The Still Report is an 8-minute video giving an easy-to-understand reason why gold-backed money is not the answer to today's fiat monetary system. The problem is not whether money…

Haiti Miracle

A man was pulled alive from the rubble in Haiti after spending 4 weeks trapped in a collapsed market. He had lost about 30 pounds, since he had nothing to eat. He reported that…

The Beekeeper

The article that I posted on January 27 tells of the Polish Beekeeper named Josef who came back to life while in his coffin. He was 76 years old. We were, of course, looking for a…

Animal Sacrifices to Start March 16, 2010 Here is an 8-minute video of J. R. Church who is telling about the plan to begin animal sacrifices in…

Multiplying Food in Uganda

Here's an interesting short U-Tube video of food being multiplied. A Miracle of Biblical Proportions: God Multiplies Food for Children in Uganda—Just Enough for 50, but Over…