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Justice Department launches investigation of Planned Parenthood for selling baby parts

Remember those videos in which officials from Planned Parenthood were negotiating to sell body parts from aborted babies? The Obama administration did nothing about it.…

Hurricane Harvey Weinstein

It appears that Hurricane Harvey, which hit Houston in late August, may have been an early sign of Harvey Weinstein and the pedophile scandals that emerged on October 5.…

God adds another hurricane

Jose is Spanish for Joseph, which means “God will add” (Genesis 30:24). The name of this hurricane suggests that another storm is being “added” to Irma. So those living on the…

Mexico struck by massive earthquake

We have been expecting a large earthquake to hit North America. It appears that we will be hit by more than one quake. Last night the strongest quake in a century hit Oaxaca state…

Human sacrifice at the Burning Man Festival in Nevada

I posted an article about the Burning Man Festival last week: {CCM:BASE_URL}/daily-weblogs/2017/08-2017/burning-man-festival-in-nevada-gets-a-dusting/ Billed as an arts and…

Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, declares his faith in Jesus

I would not have believed it if I had not heard him say it in his own words on video. This may be a first fruits of what is about to come. Listen to the video.…

Ronald Bernard killed [update]

NOTE: This story, posted earlier, is being disputed here. It is claimed that it was not Ronald Bernard who was killed, but a Mr. Fernandez.…

Harvey moving to New Orleans

Harvey has returned to tropical storm status as it moved back into the warm waters of the Gulf. The longer it stays there, the more water it picks up from the Gulf, depositing it…

Witches still hexing Trump

A few months ago, we put out a prayer call for the president’s protection. If witches are organizing hexes against Trump, he can’t be all that bad.…


We went to Cloquet last Saturday and were gone the whole day. Today we have to be out of town again. Tomorrow we are planning another trip for a couple days out of state.…

Mueller’s dishonest record framing people

The man charged with looking into the so-called “Russian collusion” between Donald Trump and Russia is hardly a man to be trusted. Robert Mueller was head of the FBI when he sent…

White House Bible studies

No wonder the media hates Trump. WASHINGTON –…

Interview with Benjamin Fulford

Here is an interview that tells how and why Fulford left his cushy job at Forbes Magazine. It shows how the mainstream media hides many truths and refuses to report on a lot of…

In the news

Two weeks ago I posted a video showing the death-bed confession of an ex-CIA agent, who confessed to blowing up Building 7 a few hours after the Twin Towers were demolished. That…

Open conflict with Russia FICTIONAL DRAMA

It appears that the spirit of fear that was kicked out on July 15 is now throwing a temper tantrum. This is just a "Fictional drama". Not a real news story.…

Anatomy of a Fakestream news story

Sometimes you just have to create your own news story when there are no controversies to cover. I suppose it keeps the newscasters from being unemployed. Watch how CNN hires and…

Arab countries cut diplomatic ties to Qatar

In the wake of President Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia and his appeal to cut their ties to ISIS, at least five Arab countries are now cutting diplomatic ties to Qatar. Even the US…

Erik Prince hired to protect China’s New Silk Road

It seems that Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, has formed a new corporation for use in China. This is an interesting development. It shows that the governments of China and the…