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Deutsche Bank agrees to pay fine and implicate other banks in silver fix case Deutsche Bank AG has agreed to settle U.S. litigation over allegations it illegally conspired…

Philippines ready to divorce USA

The Philippines has declared a War on Drugs. Not the sort of war that is being waged in the USA, full of lame slogans like “Just say no.” No, the Philippines has been had a drug…

First 911 lawsuit filed against Saudi Arabia

Now that the House and Senate have overridden the Obama veto of the JASTA bill, allowing individuals to sue other countries, the first lawsuit has been filed against Saudi Arabia…

A new world currency

China’s yuan joined the basket of world currencies today, according to the IMF report. This represents a major upgrade in the importance of China in world trade.…

News from the Syrian battlefront

The US government decided in 2002 to destabilize the Mideast by overthrowing seven countries in five years. This has been reported by General Wesley Clark for more than a decade.…

Obama snubbed at his arrival in China

When President Obama arrived in China for the G-20 summit, he was not met by any Chinese leaders, was given no red carpet, and had no welcome delegation. In fact, he had to emerge…

Lunar eclipse on September 16-17, 2016

There will be a lunar eclipse at the beginning of our Tabernacles conference this year. It will not be visible in the Americas, but only in Europe, Asia, and Africa.…

Summary of the news

Here is a good article summarizing the US-Russia dispute over Syria and the Ukraine. It also brings the news up to date with the latest Turkish invasion of Syria and a possible…

Olympic faith on display The Olympics in Rio were held under the shadow of the huge statue of Christ the Redeemer standing on…

Who really runs the IMF?

Here is a mainstream news article that reports how the IMF appears to be run by secret rulers. Even the IMF’s own Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) cannot figure out who is…

Ireland's high court asserts rights of the unborn

The high court of The Republic of Ireland is now going against the flow of “civilized” countries by giving rights of the unborn and treating them as real human beings instead of…

A de-classified Clinton email

Here is what Hillary Clinton thinks about the US funding of the rebels in Syria. Zionists will love Hillary for this, as her strategy is to “help Israel deal with Iran’s growing…

Political conventions

The Republican convention is now finished, and Donald Trump has won the nomination in spite of intense opposition from the party leadership. There was a certain amount of disunity…

Polar warming research ship stuck in polar ice

It seems that all that “warming” is taking place too far south to affect polar ice. Is this a divine joke, or just poetic justice? It seems the ship is being hindered from doing…

Arkansas Flu Epidemic II

Remember back in the 1990’s when so many people died of the Arkansas flu? flu&defid=2483676 The disease seemed to…

New book

Hillary Clinton’s troubles are just starting. Next week a new book is coming out, written by Gary Byrne, one of the Secret Service agents who was assigned to protect her. He has…

Hillary may be indicted by the FBI, says Huffington Post reporter

Why won’t Bernie Sanders give up on his presidential bid? Is not his bid rather hopeless at this point? Is he staying in the race to the bitter end because he knows he would be…

Communist Party leader endorses Hillary Clinton

Well, it looks like Hillary has just gained another 5,000 votes from the US Communist Party members. Sorry, Bernie. It appears that they no longer "feel the Bern."…