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Baltic Dry index down again

The Baltic Dry Index measures shipping taking place by sea. A few weeks ago google earth maps showed not one ship at sea. At the present time, very little shipping is taking place…

IMF reforms implemented on January 27

The IMF reforms that were passed in 2010, but held up in the US congress for many years, were finally implemented on January 27, 2016 (our watch date).…

The Blizzard with life and death implications This is Jonas, the sign of death and resurrection.

Winter Storm Jonas

This past week, the weather services have been warning of a monster blizzard that was to hit this week end, January 22-24, 2016. They say the “bull’s eye” is Washington D.C. This…

Banking crisis in Italy

Here is a report on the banking crisis in Italy which apparently began on Friday, January 15, one of our watch dates. The article does not mention the date specifically, but says…

Iceland jails its 26th banker

The contrast between the US and Iceland is huge. As a result of the 2007-2008 economic crisis, the US fined banks but did not jail any of the bankers themselves. The fines were…

West Coast earthquake warning (hoax?)

[NOTE: This report is being contradicted by other sources, including the National Weather Service. See the update at the bottom of the article.] There is a possibility of an…

China joins Russian alliance against ISIS

In a remarkable shift in its foreign policy, China’s parliament just passed legislation allowing China to send troops to foreign countries. The purpose of this legislation was to…

The AIIB Bank officially opens

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) opened officially on December 26, 2015. Its opening ceremonies are scheduled for January 16-18, 2016. These are our next main…

Israelis spray Palestinian crops with poisonous chemicals

In what is being described as another war crime, Israeli planes have sprayed the crops of Palestinians with poisonous chemicals in order to destroy them.…

The Turkish Civil War has begun

Thirty years ago, in 1985, I had a dream in which I was in Turkey on a mission. This was perhaps my first indication that I had a calling to Muslim countries. In the dream I saw…

Turkey and Europe close airspace to Russian long-range bombers “Europe and Turkey closed airspace for Russian Long-Range Aviation planes…

Turkey withdraws troops from Iraq After Iraq complained formally to the UN, Turkey began withdrawing its troops. If they had not…

The US govt does what it can in the fight against ISIS

The US government has been airlifting supplies and ammunition to ISIS troops for a long time. Most Iraqis know this and are therefore deeply suspicious of any “assistance” offered…

Russia mulls Orthodox Financial System

Leave it to the Russians to continue down the road toward the Kingdom of God. The Orthodox Church is working with the Russian government to ban usury.…

Keshe power unit built in Australia

A few months ago I posted information regarding the Keshe Foundation and its release of free energy to the world. It is called Magrav technology. Someone in Australia followed the…

Surrendering militants pardoned by Syria

Iran is reporting that 180 militants have surrendered to Syrian forces earlier this week, after intense bombing totally demoralized them. Assad’s government in Syria is offering…

News of Syria and Iraq

Since December, Russia launched more than 1900 missiles against ISIS targets in Syria. Part of this was to set up for a final defeat of the rebels in Homs, the city where the…

Turkey sends troops and tanks to Iraq without permission from Baghdad

Turkey has sent troops and 25 armored tanks to northern Iraq, supposedly to train Kurdish troops and support them in liberating Mosul from ISIS. In fact, they have set up a…

Libya asks for Russia's help against ISIS

Libyan authorities, who came to power after the US toppled Khaddafi, apparently are tired of US promises that seem to go nowhere. They see Russia as being serious in the fight…