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ISIS said to be trained by US government

It has been reported that a Syrian rebel group was trained in Jordan in the past two years by the United States military to overthrow Bashar Assad in Syria.…

Teleportation of data achieved

The New York Times is reporting that data can be teleported without moving the physical matter (computer chip?) where the data is stored.…

The Ukraine Energy Crisis starting June 3

On June 3, 2014 Ukraine will be faced with the next great economic crisis, and Europe may be the victim as well. In 2006 and 2009 Russia turned off the gas supply to Ukraine when…

Live Link to the Dallas News report about the baby

Some of you may have missed the link to the Dallas News video that I posted on May 21. The video box looks empty, but it is not. Put your cursor toward the bottom of the box, and…

The baby made the Dallas news!

Here is a video clip of the local news in Dallas, which ran a story on Baby Lydia. It shows some great footage of Audra and Ronnie as well as the baby.

Baby Announcement

Lydia Our youngest daughter, Audra, gave birth to a 6 pound 8 ounce baby girl yesterday, May 19, 2014. Lydia, our seventh grandchild, was born in the morning at…

Eastern Ukraine votes to separate from Kiev

The people of eastern Ukraine exercised democracy yesterday and voted overwhelmingly to separate from the Kiev government.…

Putin bans public obscenity

It appears that Russian president Putin is trying to replace democracy with a Christian Republic. He figures it is now time to clean up the airwaves.…

Media giants defy orders to keep NSA spying secret

It seems that the media is defying the Justice Department’s orders to keep their spying secret. It appears that we have Edward Snowden to thank. No wonder the government thinks…

Ukraine's civil war begins

In eastern Ukraine, the Russian-speaking population refuses to accept the US-backed fascist coup last February. The new government, led by a banker, was taken over by a party…

The Eurasian Union and its new currency

Here is a very informative article that tells of the new Eurasian Union that is coming as a result of the US government’s “sanctions” policy. This is somewhat like the European…

Alternate bank to the IMF being set up

The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are already moving to set up their own Development Bank as an alternative to the IMF. They are tired of the US…

Russia announces decoupling trade from dollar

This article was written by Peter Koenig, an economist and former World Bank staff. April 08, 2014 "ICH" - Russia…

Snowden article not true

UPDATE ON SNOWDEN ARTICLE FROM JULY 2013: It appears that this story was false. Some call it a parody. I think it was designed to discredit Snowden and make people mistrust…

Edward Snowden releases info on HAARP and its uses in mind control and assassinations (UPDATED)

UPDATE: It appears that this story was false. Some call it a parody. I think it was designed to discredit Snowden and make people mistrust anything he says.…

Muslim countries ban NOAH movie

Here's an ironic situation. Bible bashing is perfectly legal in the formerly Christian nations of the West. But Muslim nations don't take it so lightly. Malaysia seeks to protect…

Turkish government officials caught planning false flag attack?

It seems that the Turkish government has been caught plotting a false flag operation in order to given them an excuse to attack Syria. The suggestion was to hire four men from…

Noah movie is not the Bible story

Some who have seen the new movie, Noah, were very disappointed. It is just about the worst presentation ever and was designed by its atheist director, Darren Aronofsky, to be “the…

Russia benefits from US sanctions

When President Obama decided to put sanctions on four Russian banks, he eliminated Visa and MasterCard from its lucrative business in Russia. Now Russia will set up its own…

US severs diplomatic ties with Syria

The US government told all Syrian diplomats to go home, blaming President Assad for the civil war in Syria. This is another important event that occurred on March 18, which was…