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Elliot Spitzer cals Fed a Ponzi Scheme

There are two items of particular interest in this article. First is the critique of the Fed itself. Second is the way the Justice Department exercises its discretionary justice.…

Homeland Security Stirs up Racial Hatred Those companies that manufacture weapons of war have a vested interest in fomenting wars. It looks like Homland Security is stirring…

Bankers Fear Populist Uprising Bloomberg reports that Wall Street Sets Campaign on ‘Populist Overreaction’.…

Bailouts Could Reach $24 TRILLION, says Gov't

Considering the banks' rosy expectations, with profits streaming in faster than it can be spent, are we supposed to believe that the crisis is about over when we've hardly…

Ted Haggard's Repentance Interview

Because I posted articles of Pastor Ted Haggard in the past in relation to his fall and expulsion from his church in Colorado Springs, it is only right that I post this interview…

Possible Bank Holiday in late August

Here is what some are reporting . . . This bears watching. Remember the old revelation: "July is like September."…

Leader of PAN resigns after losing in Mexico

This is another sign of the death of Pan. Another "coincidence."

High Level US Intelligence General says Plane did NOT hit the Pentagon on 911

This 5-minute testimony by a retired General is important testimony in regard to the Intelligence community. his credentials are impeccable.…

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney captured by Israeli pirates

Last December 30, the Israelis rammed and tried to sink a humanitarian boat trying to deliver aid to the Palestinians. Aboard was former Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney.This was,…

The so-called coup in Honduras

All we seem to hear on the news is how the former president of Honduras was overthrown in a military "coup" this past week. The U.S. government is demanding his return. But there…

The Yekaterinburg Turning Point

Prof. Michael Hudson has an analysis of the recent financial summit at Yekaterinburg, Russia. It was attended by Russia, China, and other Asian countries. The US was not invited…

False Readings on Economic Recovery

During the Great Depression of the 1930's, the government projected a lot of happy thoughts and convinced a lot of people to put their money back into stocks. The markets actually…

The Republican Party of God

It is also no surprise that a new survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press shows that of four major religious traditions in the United States (white…

Your Tax Dollars at work training Chinese Prostitutes to drink responsibly I was unaware that they still performed lobotomies. Apparently, they still do so on American politicians.