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How about replacing Shapiro with Markopolos as head of the SEC

Harry Markopolos, who was an investigator for the Security and Exchange Commission, tried unsuccessfully for 10 years to get the SEC to shut down the Madoff ponzi scheme. Today…

Rethinking Zionism--by Philip Weiss, Jew

Here is an interesting article by a Jew who decided to "come out of the closet." He used to call himself a "post-Zionist Jew" in order to avoid conflict with Zionists. But with…

The Flub Heard Round the World

As most of you know, the presidential oath of office was flubbed, due to a mistake by the Chief Justice who was administering the oath. Recognizing that some would use this to…

February 10 is National Bankruptcy Day

Once again, Congress can be counted on to make a bad situation worse.

Doctor's Report: New Israeli weapon used in Gaza

In the News Doctor's Report: New Israeli weapon used in Gaza

Hamas was funded by Israeli intelligence

Here is an article showing how Hamas was funded by Israeli intelligence.

Three-minute film footage that got by the Israeli censors

Here is some three-minute film footage that got by the Israeli censors. The Israeli army does much worse stuff than is pictured here, but this much did get through and has made…

Russian Professor Says America Will Collapse in 2010

I don't take this prediction too seriously, but I thought it was interesting in view of the importance of the year 2010. I have written about this since last July when I first…

A Passenger Writes about the Shipping Problem

Rob Long is in the television entertainment business. He recently took a 3-week trip on a cargo ship from Seattle to Shanghai to do some writing. In the article below, he first…

Update on Obama's Citizenship Issue

The Electoral College cast their votes on Dec. 15. Congress is reviewing them on January 8. The next day, January 9, the Supreme Court is scheduled to confer in regard to attorney…

Mary Shapiro--Obama's Choice at the SEC

It looks like the "Change--Yes We Can" idea does not really apply to the SEC and its problems. Mary Shapiro represents business as usual, according to the article below:…

The Very Great Depression of 2008-2014

Here is an interesting article from Global Research about the U.S. economic outlook, written December 15. William Engdahl's conclusion hits the nail on the head: nationalization…

Behind the Madoff Scandal

Is it possible that Madoff has been at the head of the Israeli Mossad all along? Was his recent arrest really an Obama operation, in conjunction with Patrick Fitzgerald (both of…

U.N. Bans Defamation of Religion

On Nov. 24, 2008 the United Nations adopted a resolution banning all "defamation of religion," a move designed to prevent anyone from saying anything against Islam. It will be…

Bernie Madoff and His SEC Mistress

Here is an insightful look into the question of how the Security and Exchange Commission could overlook Bernard Madoff's $50 Billion Ponzi scheme for so long.…

1930's Propaganda Film Promoting Inflation

Here is an interesting 10-minute, black-and-white film from about 1934 to explain the benefits of monetary inflation as the cure for the Depression. It is interesting to me,…