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Danish Scientists Report the World Trade Center collapsed through nano-thermite explosives

Look what the Danish press is reporting. So far I have not seen it make any headlines here in America. Scientists found residue of explosives, along with some unexploded material…

How the Banks Lose Your Money

A two-minute humor video. Watch it.

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall Street

Here is an great old 7-minute video about Humpty Dumpty. It is obviously a depiction of the 1929 Wall Street Crash, due to Humpty Dumpty's greed and arrogance. I wonder if it…

How Neo-conservatism replaced Conservatism

This is a 5-minute video of Congressman Ron Paul as he explains the difference, and tells us who the neo-conservatives are today.…

Dolphins Discover the Art of Blowing Bubble Rings

It seems that the dolphins at Busch Gardens have learned a new trick without any help from people. They have learned to blow bubbles and then form them into a ring so that they…

Seymour Hersh Spills the Beans

Famed journalist Seymour Hersh was speaking at the University of Minnesota a few days ago. In a Q&A session afterward, he responded to a question by saying this: “After 9/11,…

Switzerland Threatened with Bankruptcy Swiss banks have given billions of credit to Eastern Europe - now the customers cannot pay…

Jim Rogers on the Economic Future

Great little 8-minute video news clip from Australia.

The Future of the Church in America

Here is a well-written article (blog) that shows the sobering trends for the church in America. It assumes, of course, that things will continue under present circumstances. It is…

David Wilkerson Predicts Earth-Shattering Calamity

David Wilkerson is making a suggestion that is good advice even if things don't get as bad as he says. It's always good to hear what others have to say. I don't know, frankly, if…

World's Youngest Preacher

This little guy sure knows how to imitate the preachers. He must be a preacher's kid.

The Good Life of a Palestine Prisoner in Israel

An Israeli newspaper published the report of an Israeli soldier who was assigned to work in a prison full of Palestinian prisoners. They were mostly Palestinians who were caught…

Warren Buffet Admits Dumb Mistakes in 2008

If you lost money in the stock market in 2008, you are not alone. You may have even done better than Warren Buffet, the guru of Brokebuck Mountain. Unless you lost more than 11…

A Majority of States now in the Sovereignty Movement

State governments are getting very concerned about the Federal government's power grab, especially in the past year as the economic climate gets worse. These are conditions…

Japan's Economy in Big Trouble

Japan's exports dropped nearly 46% from a year ago, according to January's statistics. How long can they sustain such losses…

Blackwater Changes its name to Xe

Blackwater was founded in 1997 as a private army so that the U.S. government could hire them to do things not legal by the regular military. It did such dastardly things in…

The 401(k) Skimming Scam

This will be of interest to anyone who has a 401(k).

Guess who pays for Gaza Reconstruction?

You guessed it. The Israelis break it; you pay for it. We should at least subtract the money from our…

New Video of Kennedy Assassination Shows Who Did It

This short video is in slow motion. Watch closely the driver of the car right from video frames 300-310. You can see the pistol in his hand as he points it over his shoulder and…

China Racked by 26 Million Lost Jobs

Hey, don't blame American companies. They did their best to provide employement in China. It's the American consumers who ran out of cash to buy anything. In fact, Americans are…