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Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 4

In the 1980’s, when I was involved with a group that conducted much spiritual warfare, our normal concept of spiritual warfare involved pitched battles in the field. This was how…

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 3

Israel’s first captivity is recorded in Judges 3:8-10. It was a Babylonian captivity to the king of Mesopotamia (“land between two rivers”), using its pre-Babylonian name. Note…

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 2

Jews today are from two main branches: Sephardim and Ashkenazim. The Ashkenazim are from Eastern Europe and, according to The Jewish Encyclopedia, are Turkish-Mongolian converts…

Background to a soon-coming prayer campaign, Part 1

If you have been following our weblogs and if you have done your reading, you know that the year 2017 is momentous in prophetic history. To understand it fully requires quite a…

Modified prayer for Operation Protective Shield

I received a phone call from a friend who reported coming under severe spiritual attack after praying the prayer posted this morning. Fortunately, he is experienced and discerning…

Operation Protective Shield

Last week Storm Lucifer hit southern California. This week witches are being called into spiritual warfare to bind President Trump until he is driven out of office.…

The Nehemiah Project in 2017

A few months ago I began to attend Wednesday night prayer meetings with a local group led by a man named Sean. The group understands about prophetic things and knows also how to…

Free the Children prayer campaign

Last night I received revelation that we were to lay claim to the children that have been dedicated to Satan by their parents. Background: On October 28, 2001 we issued a…

The Second Hagar/Ishmael Decree

Today we are led to issue a second decree from the divine court to cast out the bondwoman and her son, as we did 18 years ago (1998) from Hagerstown, MD. This decree completes…

Divine Court appeal for God's Visitation

Last Sunday a word was given at the Tabernacles conference that our next project should be to take the White House for the Kingdom of God. Likewise, Paul tells us in 1 Timothy…

Court Case of the Council of the Lord

At the Tabernacles conference in Branson last week end, I handed out copies of a report on the Court Case from August 4, 2015 appealing the case for the Restoration of All Things…

Update on Cleanse the House prayer campaign

Today is the deadline to make reservations at the Chateau on the Lake to get rooms at the special price. Even if you do not get reservations at that hotel, keep in mind that we…

The Sting continues to catch Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts

A fourth video has now appeared, where Planned Parenthood officials are discussing how to sell body parts of aborted babies. A partial birth abortion is the most valuable to them,…

Cleansing the House results

The prayer campaign that began on July 21 is already seeing results. The first step in cleansing is to bring the dung out into the open where everyone can smell it. First,…

Cleanse the House: Model Prayer

The following model prayer is designed to bring all prayer partners into unity of focus and purpose. You may add to it as led by the Spirit. The only iron-clad rule is to be led…

Cleanse the House prayer campaign

Last evening the Holy Spirit nudged me while talking to my friend, Phil. I then told him, “I feel a prayer campaign coming for Wednesday.” Later that night while in prayer with…

The Cry of Sodom prayer campaign

Today is like the last day before the feast of Trumpets. Tomorrow is 7/1 on our calendar, and we have learned to watch for types and shadows at these appointed times. Recently,…

The Prayer

The following prayer is designed to bring us into focus and unity as a body in presenting our petition. Each of you should pray for your own nation. Our Heavenly Father, we…

Results of the prayer campaign

The recent prayer campaign, Dismiss All Who Bind, was based on the premise that the Creator has rights. All of the so-called rights of man are merely privileges under God. When…

Prayer campaign update

The prayer campaign was largely stalled for a few days until yesterday, as the enemy had filed a petition against us in the divine court. It took a few days to deal with it, but…