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Report on the Blue Earth River decrees

Last night we drove to Mankato, MN to speak the main decrees in regard to the “End the Famine” prayer campaign. We arrived at the rendezvous point in Mankato at 5 pm and then…

Update on End the Famine prayer campaign

I posted David Smith's website some weeks ago toward the beginning of this prayer campaign, since he is posting most of the updates on this prayer campaign. If you forgot about…

End the Famine update, History of the Dakota uprising

In regard to the ongoing "End the Famine" prayer campaign, some of you may wish to view some of the history of the Dakota uprising in 1862. A town meeting was held recently in…

What if?

In 1862 the Dakota tribes had a crop failure, and the US federal government delayed in paying them for their land as agreed by treaty. As the people began to face starvation, they…

Intercession to End the Famine, Part 2

In the early 1850’s the Roman Church saw the advantage in settling the rich farmland of the upper Midwest with its own voters. So they advertised in Germany, Poland, and Ireland,…

Part 1: Intercession to End the Famine, August 6 to September 14

On July 5, 2013 I wrote a blog updating you on potential watch dates for that month. This was designed to focus on the three years since the 8th sign of Elisha was seen in 2010.…

Update on red dragon war

This is just a quick note to let you know that, as expected, the woman in the wilderness resurfaced today, March 24, shortly after midnight. The effects of spiritual warfare are…

Watch dates from March 22-24

I have mentioned a few times in the past month that we are seeing patterns from the year 2001 being played out now. This was drawn to my attention when Pope Benedict announced…

Backlash and our response

About two weeks ago, I received revelation that we would see a backlash from our prayer campaign this week—that is, during the week following March 18. Such a backlash is often…

Peter the Roman and the Red Dragon

The last Cardinal has now arrived in Rome to elect a new pope. The precise date of the start of their conclave is not yet known, but church law mandates that it should start by…

Update on the prayer campaign

It is now confirmed that this prayer campaign is also seeing some patterns emerge from previous prayer campaigns twelve years ago (2001). I had suspected this when Pope…

Warriors beat the (red) dragons

I received this letter from a friend across the pond. I take it as a revelation of victory before the battle even begins. Hi Stephen, I though you might like to…

Preparing for War

On January 28, 2013, after a lengthy conflict with the red dragon that began in early November, the warfare ended (as we soon learned) with a temporary cease fire. The warfare was…

ReignDown USA meets December 8

On the afternoon of December 8, 2012 Reigndown USA will be gathering in Topeka, KS for a time of worship, prayer, and personal repentance. Some of you…

Our new computer may cause delays during setup

We have had to purchase a new computer, as the old one crashed on Monday, November 12. Transferring files to the new one will take only another day, hopefully, but one never knows…

Repairing the Breach--Final Work

I was out of town last Saturday and will again be out of town Monday through Wednesday, Sept. 10-12. Last Saturday we were in Des Moines, Iowa for the memorial service for Tad…

Bowe Bergdahl Prayer Campaign July 1 Bowe is from Hailey, Idaho. He is a Christian believer and was home schooled. He was captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan on June 30, 2009 after…

Our Prayer for the Day

Here is the Prayer for the Day, based on 2 Thess. 2:14 to 3:5. Father, you have called us to obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to stand firm in the word…

Model Prayer for Divine Deliverance Prayer Campaign March 8-9, 2012

Our Prayer Campaign is scheduled for Purim, March 8-9. Below is a suggested model, designed to bring us all into focus. Pray this at least once each day. Father, I come…

Purim and the Divine Deliverance Prayer Campaign--Part 1

Most you recall Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally that was held on August 28, 2010 in Washington D.C. 490 days later was Dec. 31, 2011, the day that President Obama signed…