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The MF Global bankruptcy and the prayer campaign in 2001

Ten years ago we fought a prayer campaign called Entering the Millennium of Rest. It started when the Satanists violated the law on October 31, and we then took the case to the…

Answering the Appeal in the Divine Court

At 9:00 p.m. last night, our opposition appealed their loss to the Divine Court, on the grounds that they represent the true religion that we are to be enslaved to the Dalai Lama.…

The Angel of the Waters Prayer Campaign

In our prayer time last night, more details were revealed about the prayer campaign. First of all, we now see it in a greater context. Because it began on July 15, which is…

The two-part prayer campaign

As so often happens, small entry points lead to much bigger events. This prayer campaign (as yet nameless) has shown us a much bigger picture than we thought at first. Its…

Spiritual Warfare July 15-20

The Dalai Lama is in Washington D.C. completing his 10-day "Kalachakra for World Peace" at the Verizon Center. This is a ten-day Buddhist ceremony that claims to have as its…

Spain: The Secondary Target

It appears that yesterday's quake in southern Spain might be the "secondary target" that I mentioned in my earlier blog. The intercessory work along the New Madrid fault in…

Prayer of the New Creation Man

On Nov. 21, 2010 I posted a "Declaration of Identity." Its purpose was to give a space of time in which we would declare our identity with the New Man (Christ) in us, rather than…

Urgent Prayer Alert

Last evening we found ourselves in spiritual warfare against the spirit of Santeria. This is an old religion from Africa that centered in Cuba and is similar to Voodoo. It is now…

Operation Snowmageddon

When we drove to the Rubicon River on Monday afternoon, we encountered hail, snow, and sleet as well as good weather. It reminded us of Job 38:22, 23, which says, (22) Hast…

2001 Prayer Battles Emerging in 2010

Last June we took note that we were entering a 3-1/2 year period from June 21, 2009 to December 21, 2012. This time frame was pertinent to the Elisha ministry in some way, though…

Prayer for Haiti

This is my prayer for Haiti today. Please join with me in this prayer, if you are so led. The Prayer Father, in this hour of trial for your children in Haiti, we pray that you…

Jubilee Declaration September 28, 2009

As you may recall, we have been led to declare a Jubilee on the Day of Atonement, September 28, 2009. The text that we will be using is taken from our 1996 declaration, though…

Spiritual Warfare against Pan from 1999-2002

Dave and Sherry moved to Washington state in November 1991 not far from Federal Way, WA. The word in them at the time was that they were to "pull up your nets and cast them on the…

Spiritual Warfare against Pan from 1991-1993

Occasionally people ask me if there are others who, like me, engage in spiritual warfare in like manner. Yes, there certainly are others doing such things, although perhaps they…

The Greater Salt Work for You to do

Today is 5/28. I awoke with a revelation this morning, not knowing the date or its significance. The number 528 is the gematria of the Hebrew word for maphteach, "key." We call…

Babylon's Waterloo in 2006

On June 19, 2006 I wrote a web log giving details about a prayer campaign called "God is Able." It was held 191 years after the Battle of Waterloo (June 15-18, 1815), where…

The Death of a Pope

On April 2, 2005 Pope John Paul II died. His death occurred precisely 3 x 414 days after the beginning of a prayer campaign in 2001. Toward the end of October, 2001 the Father…

Elijah Prayer Report #2

It looks like the stock market lost its steam yesterday. After rising another 400 points, it dropped back down and ended lower for the day. While we may see some days where it…

Elijah Prayer Report #1

It appears that the "Elijah Prayer" is having an effect upon the stock markets, as the Dow went up over 900 points yesterday, probably the biggest one-day rise in history. Can it…

The Elijah Prayer--Oct. 13-20

I am back on the road again, currently in Atlanta on my way to Florida. I will be away from the office for nearly 3 weeks. I should have some time to do web logs and even to…