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Antares rocket explodes on liftoff

Yesterday an unmanned rocket exploded shortly after liftoff. It was carrying 5,000 lbs. of supplies to the space station.…

Huge explosion on Mars

On October 19 a huge explosion on Mars was spotted by an astronomer in the Canary Islands as a comet passed within 87,000 miles of the planet. Mars is traditionally known as…

The 13-year pattern from 2001-2014

Last February I began to see that the prayer battles we did in 2001 were emerging again in 2014 in a new but similar form. This told me that there was a thirteen-year connection…

Prayer campaign--Dismiss all who bind

The beast empires of Daniel 7 reached the end of their mandate to rule the nations on October 16, 2014. God’s contract with them was a period of “seven times,” which is 7 x 360…

Uncle Sam's depopulation plan

Given that President Obama’s new “Ebola Czar” thinks that overpopulation is the biggest problem on earth, we should ask if perhaps ebola is part of his solution. “I think the…

Divine Court decree of October 19

Last week I expected to find the beast systems in non-compliance with the Kingdom decree as soon as it came into force on October 16. However, I was surprised to find that they…

Preparations for spiritual warfare

When Joshua entered the land, the Israelites knew that they were about to engage in warfare. We are now preparing to enter the land as well. The first event was the baptism on…

The final broken treaty

A year ago we participated in a prayer campaign to repent of all the treaties that our nation has broken over the years. We can hardly find a treaty that our government has NOT…

The Model Prayer

For eight days from September 4-11, we will unite in prayer. Please use this model prayer, but do not consider yourself bound it. Always be led by the Spirit. This model prayer is…

The wall of fire

The eight-day prayer campaign from September 4-11 is called From Revelation to Manifestation to express its main purpose. However, it is easier to remember it as the Wall of Fire…

Plans for a prayer campaign

This past week end I received sufficient revelation to write about the next prayer campaign. At a church meeting Friday evening, I was shown the main purpose of the prayer…

Overcoming Resistance confirmation

I just saw this today and found it interesting. It seems that someone had a vision of resistance that last week’s prayer campaign addressed as well.…

Overcoming the Resistance of Death, the last enemy

The prayer campaign called “Overcoming Resistance” officially ends at sundown today. That is also when my 5-day fast will end. Last night I received a call from a long-time…

Model Prayers

Motion to Compel To be petitioned before the divine court on January 7, 2014 Father, we come before the divine court, asking that You would reaffirm and enforce the…

Correction and further understanding on the prayer campaign

I awoke this morning with the Lord speaking to me about a correction that needed to be made in yesterday’s instructions. So I came to the office, warmed my fingers on a cup of hot…

Model Prayer for Overcoming Resistance Prayer Campaign

The prayer campaign begins Tuesday, January 7 and ends Saturday, January 11, 2014. We are going before the divine court to file a petition, whose purpose is to overcome all…

The Jubilee Declaration to End the Famine

The prayer campaign which I call “End the Famine” ended Saturday, September 14 after 40 days of intercession. If you kept up with David Smith’s weblogs, you know that the main…

Watch Date update

Last July I wrote how it was three years since the eighth sign of Elisha had been fulfilled in the sequence that we were observing. This sign came in the context of the BP oil…