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The Jubilee Prayer Campaign

When I first began to hear the Lord's voice in June of 1982, one of the first things revealed to me was that I was on a 12-year training mission. The Lord likened it to Joseph's…

Bear One Another's Burdens Prayer Campaign

God has called the New Gideon's Army to help bear the burden of intercession with those who have been called to intercede that the Gospel of the Kingdom might be preached to the…

Inspecting the Foundations Prayer Campaign

We have reached the end of the spiritual work to pour out the vials, and can now expect to see the fruit of our labor in the coming months and years as it unfolds. Keep in mind…

The Prayer-Decree for God is Able Prayer Campaign

Father, I have heard your voice, and so I approach you under the blood of Jesus and in His name. I declare that I forgive all who have trespassed against me and release their sins.…

Instructions and Final Explanations for the GOD IS ABLE Prayer Campaign

This prayer campaign is open to all. If you are hearing about this any time after today's date, you may participate by simply reading the prayer and making it your prayer before…

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