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Passover Conference Report--Cleansing the Earth

As usual, the conference this past week end was the best we have ever had. Everyone is free to have an opinion, of course, but it seems to me that these conferences continue to…

Preparing for the Conference

Our conference is this week end. We are making preparations this week, and I am too distracted to write weblogs on First Corinthians. For those who are planning to attend the…

Passover Conference hotel reservation link

We now have the web link where you can make reservations online for the Passover Conference here in Minneapolis to be held on May 12-14. Remember that the conference will begin at…

New Passover Conference location

The location for our Passover conference (May 12-14) has had to be changed, because the DoubleTree hotel in Joplin is being renovated, and construction problems came up. The sales…

Conference Update

I just received notice from the DoubleTree in Joplin that the hotel will not be ready in time for our May 12-14 Passover conference. The construction workers ran into a problem…

Heartland Passover Conference 2017

Heartland Passover Conference 2017 DoubleTree Hotel 3132 E. Hammons Blvd. Joplin, MO 64804 May 12-14, 2017   Date and Time: The conference will begin Friday…

Tabernacles Conference Report

The 8-day Tabernacles conference in Hayward, Wisconsin has concluded, and I am back at the office staring at a huge backlog of emails. A friend followed me home yesterday from the…

Tabernacles conference next week

Today Darla and I will be going to Hayward, Wisconsin for a Tabernacles conference that will last all next week. I have been asked to teach every morning. It is not likely that I…

Is September 16-18 the true date of Tabernacles this year?

Here is an interesting perspective on this. It depends on whether you observe the common secular Jewish calendar, or the more “religious” one.…

Update on Tabernacles Conference

If you make reservations for the Tabernacles conference by going online through the link on our website, our special Code will fill in automatically as GKK. This is the correct…

Conference Reservations Link Update

By now you may have seen (or received) the June FFI and the cover letter, where I advertised the coming Tabernacles conference on September 16-18, 2016. We will be meeting at the…

Passover Conference Report

Our conferences seem to get better each time we have one. Perhaps this is due to a fading memory of the previous one. However, I prefer to think of these conferences as another…

2016 Passover Conference is Live Now!

We just wanted to make sure that you all know that the conference is live and it is being live streamed. You can find the pages you need by clicking on the Conference Graphic at…

Conference room reservations deadline today

The deadline for conference reservations (at the reduced price) is today, March 7. There are still rooms available at the hotel. If you have put off making your reservation,…

2016 Spring Conference in Branson, Missouri

We will be having a Spring conference in Branson, Missouri on the week end of April 1-3, 2016. Their physical address is: 415 North State Hwy 265. It will be at the same hotel,…

Last Minute Preparations for Conference

Note:  Make sure to check the main event page as it will have links for the video stream, schedule, updates, etc. We will be leaving on Monday morning to go to the conference…

Announcing the Branson Tabernacles Conference 2015

The Tabernacles conference this year will be at the Chateau on the Lake in Branson, Missouri. It will begin Friday morning, October 2, 2015…

2015 Pentecost Conference in Dallas

For most of you, it is too far to drive or fly to Dallas for just a few hours. But if you are in the area, or plan to be in the area in late May, make your plans now to attend:…

Departments of Divine Government (Notes from the Passover Conference)

Reuben (Dept. of Treasury and Commerce) Gen. 29:32 And Leah conceived and bore a son and named him Reuben, for she said, “Because the Lord has seen my affliction; surely…

Passover conference report (and more)

The conference last week end was truly awesome. Those of you who were able to watch it in person or at least on the internet know this already. If you did not get a chance to do…