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View April's Manassas Conference online

Stone Kingdom Ministries has made available for viewing free of charge all of the sessions from April's Passover conference held in Manassas, VA.…

Meetings in Pensacola July 11-15

Brother Vinnie asked me to post this information for anyone who might be interested in attending special meetings in Pensacola that he is sponsoring. I am committed to meetings in…

More videos of the San Francisco Conference now posted

In case you missed it, there are now 4 videos of the San Francisco conference posted online at: All of my sessions are posted, and…

Link to view the San Francisco Conference

Here are the two teachings that I myself did at the San Francisco conference. The rest are being edited and will be posted shortly. I decided to post these early, since you…

Conference Room Availability Update

After today, rooms that the hotel in San Francisco are no longer guaranteed at the special rate of $82. It depends upon availability. You can probably still get a room, but it may…

California Conference Reservation Deadline Feb 21

If you intend to come to the Quail and Manna Conference in San Francisco, but have not yet made your reservation, please make it in the next week. I had given the cut-off date of…

SFO Conference Reminder

The Quail and Manna conference at the San Francisco airport DoubleTree hotel is scheduled for March 11-13, beginning 9:00 a.m. that Friday morning. We have a block of rooms…

SFO Conference Clarifications

Concerning our San Francisco Conference,, I had earlier mentioned the dates of March 10-13. Please disregard that. The dates are March 11-13, beginning Friday morning at 9:00…

San Francisco Conference Details

Quail and Manna Conference San Francisco March 11-13, 2011 at the Dubletree Hotel SFO Airport 835 Airport Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Scheduled Speakers: Ron Oja, Rafael…

CD's now available from the Texas Conference

In regard to our Texas conference last month (Dec. 10-12), the messages on CD's are now available. Pastor Tom Rolland sent me this information today: Please let your mailing…

Reminder of Texas Conference next week end We will be leaving Tuesday for the conference at First Covenant Church in Irving, TX. We will be back a week later (Wednesday), if our…

Texas Conference Date Correction

In my recent cover letter to the mailing list, I mistakenly listed the dates for the upcoming conference as Dec. 11-13, when in fact it is Dec. 10-12 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).…

Tabernacles Conference Update

Some of you have inquired about the Tabernacles conference in September. You can get all the details by going to Stone Kingdom Ministries' website:…

Conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin June 18-20

Great Lakes Regional Restoration Event Presenting: Dr. Stephen Jones June 18-20, 2010 Location: Kingdom Agenda Christian Center 621 Pine Street Green Bay, WI Scheduled…

San Jose Conference Videos

Here are the videos of my teaching in San Jose last March.

Tabernacles Conference Sept. 24-26

We had been planning to return to Manassas, VA for the Tabernacles conference in September, but there has been a change of plans. Here is an email that James just sent me:…

Manassas Conference Report

We arrived home yesterday. In a few minutes I will be driving Darla to the airport, as she has been assigned to Grandkids Duty and will be gone for the next ten days. Pray for…

Manassas Conference--More Rooms Available at Discount

Some of you called the Four Points Sheraton in Manassas, only to find that the block of reserved rooms had been filled, so you were told it would cost you the regular price. I…

Joseph Conference Photos