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Tabernacles 2007 On-line Video Donation Clarrification.

From Thom Mills. Those that have made a donation related to the Tabernacles 2007 Conference On-Line videos has been very much appreciate. I would like to clarify that we do not…

Tabernacles 2007 On-Line Participation

Tabernacles 2007 On-Line Conference Participation Leslie, Arkansas and Hilo, Hawaii We understand that many people that wish to be at the conference will not be able to for…

Update on Upcoming Conferences

We have two conferences coming in the next month. The first is in Leslie, Arkansas on Sept. 14-16. It begins Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. on Sept. 14, and will go three full days…

More Corrections on Hawaii Conference

The full name of the hotel is: Castle Hilo Hawaiian Hotel. The phone number for the hotel was incorrect. I have now corrected it. It is: 808-935-9361

Hilo, Hawaii Conference September 24-27, 2007 (Revised Information)

Second Banner Conference Castle Hilo Hawaiian Hotel 71 Banyan Drive Hilo, Hawaii 96720 Sept. 24-27, 2007 Hilo, Hawaii is on the Big Island of Hawaii. Hilo has an…

Conference in Leslie, AR September 14-16, 2007

First Banner Conference Leslie, Arkansas Sept. 14 - 16, 2007 Leslie, Arkansas is a small town in the Ozarks north of Little Rock on Highway 65 where it intersects with…

Kansas City Conference in June

Rick Spencer is putting together a conference in Kansas City next month in which he has invited speakers from various streams of Reconciliation teaching. He has asked me to be one…

Meetings in Windsor, Ontario

I am scheduled to spend two evenings teaching in Windsor, Ontario next week. We will probably have at least one other day-time session as well, and certainly will fill in the time…

Secrets of Time Conference in Arizona, April 20-22, 2007

I will be holding a Secrets of Time Conference near Cottonwood, Arizona on the week end of April 20-22, 2007. It will be a full three days of meetings from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon,…

Conference Details Update

In regard to our Secrets of Time conference on Feb. 9-11, I have directed you earlier to see Pastor Bell's web page for details. But yesterday, someone succeeded in convincing…

Secrets of Time Conference Update

As I wrote earlier, Pastor Stephen Bell and I are planning to hold a "Secrets of Time" Conference on February 9-11, 2007. It will be held at Key Ministries, 3201 W. Pipeline…

Conference Update

Key Ministries in Euless, Texas is hosting a Secrets of Time Conference next February 9-11. Euless is between Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas. Pastor Stephen Bell has now posted the…

Philadelphia Tabernacles Conference

Today we begin our week end Tabernacles conference in the Philadelphia area. When we arrived here earlier on October 6th, we noticed signs posted all around town that read,…

Spring Conference Dates

In my latest cover letter for the FFI, I mentioned a Spring Conference being held in Pennsylvania, but I neglected to give the actual dates of that conference. In order to avoid…

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