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Joseph Conference Update

The Joseph conference will be extended throughout Sunday afternoon, March 7. The Radisson gave us the meeting room for the rest of the afternoon in order to hear more from Fran…

San Jose Conference--Updates and Details

Fran Fisher will be sharing at the "Joseph Conference" in San Jose (March 5-7). She has some very interesting new health-related material to share and will also be bringing some…

Passover Conference April 2-4

Stone Kingdom Ministries was going to sponsor a Passover conference in Manassas, VA in April, until back problems forced a change. James was going to cancel it altogether, but…

Registrations for San Jose Conference

We are not charging any registration fee for atttending the San Jose conference on March 5-7. However, we would like to get some kind of count to know how many people are planning…

San Jose Conference March 5-7, 2010

"The Joseph Conference" March 5-7, 2010 Radisson Hotel San Jose Airport 1471 North 4th St. San Jose, CA 95112 Tel: 408-452-0200 Time: Conference begins Friday evening at 7:00…

New Year's Passover Prayer Meeting

Last night I went to the prayer meeting at 7:00 p.m. and left shortly after 3:00 a.m. The first three hours were spent mostly in prayer, and I took note that the prayers had a…

Kingdom Conference in Texas Update

On October 27 I announced that James Bruggeman, Ron Oja, and I will be holding a conference in Irving, TX (between Dallas and Fort Worth) on the week end of Dec. 4-6, 2009.…

Dallas Conference December 4-6

James Bruggeman, Ron Oja, and I will be co-hosting a conference on December 4-6 in Irving, TX, not far from the Dallas-Fort Worth airport. It will be held at First Covenant Church…

Passover Conference Report

I was unable to get an internet connection using my laptop earlier, so I could not give you a report earlier. We had a wonderful conference just down the street from the original…

Conference in Modesto, California in January

We have scheduled a Kingdom Teaching conference in Modesto, California for January 23-25, 2009. It will be held at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 1612 Sisk Road. To get…

Podcasts of South Africa Teachings

If you want to listen to the teachings that I gave at the Capetown conference, go to: If I recall, in my…

New Oklahoma City Conference - August 6-9

The United Tribes for Christ Fellowship is hosting a conference for me to teach on the topic of Sonship and the New Creation Man. It will be held at a Pentecostal Holiness…

OKC Conference Ready for Viewing

Lonnie Howard put the Father's Day Conference in Oklahoma City on video, and these sessions are now ready for viewing on his web site: Click on…

Conference Call Tonight

Gary Franchi sent me an email to remind me of the conference call this evening. He wrote: TONIGHT **8pm EST/5pm PST** or (218)486-3695…

Video Teachings Available from Jena and Little Rock Conferences

The teachings from Jena, Louisiana last December and the ones from Little Rock this past March can be viewed on the following web site, thanks to Lonnie Howard, who did all the…

Our Father's Day Conference June 12-15, 2008

Rick Spencer is sponsoring another Father's Day Conference on June 12-15 in Oklahoma City. You are all invited. The accommodations at the Oklahoma Training Center are inexpensive…

Little Rock Conference--Viewing Online Now Available

You can now view the teachings that I did in Little Rock at the conference March 7-9, 2008. Go to Click on "Galleries". There are three pages of…

Little Rock Conference Update

The Conference in Little Rock this week end will not begin Friday evening. It will begin Friday MORNING at 10:00 a.m. on March 7, 2008. It will be held at the Indian Hills Church…

Weekend of Deliverance--Euless, TX I will not be attending this conference in Euless, as I will be preparing to go to Little Rock for a conference on March 7-9.…

Louisiana Conference Online Viewing

A few weeks ago, in late December, I was one of the teachers at a conference in Louisiana. Two of my three teachings are now posted online, along with the other speakers, and you…