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2015 Passover Conference Schedule

Thursday, April 2 Morning: 9:00 – 11:30 Dr. James Bruggeman Dave Dixon Afternoon: 2:00 - 4:30 Rob Corry Dr. Stephen Jones Evening: 7:00 – 9:30 Communion…

Passover Conference April 2-5, 2015

Yesterday I finalized plans for a four-day Passover conference from April 2-5. I signed the contract with the DoubleTree Hotel in Minneapolis, the same one where we met last…

A short conference report

The Tabernacles conference this past week end went very well, many saying (as usual) that this was the best conference of all. I suppose that means that each conference keeps…

Pre-Conference Tidbits

The Tabernacles conference is scheduled to begin Thursday morning. Some are coming early (beginning today), and so I do not know if I will have time to write more Bible study…

September 16 reservation deadline for Conference

This is a reminder that September 16 is the deadline to get the special rates for hotel rooms at the DoubleTree hotel. The hotel rate now is $139/night. After September 16 it…

Tabernacles Conference Update

Our Tabernacles conference will be held here in Minneapolis beginning the morning of Thursday, October 9 and concluding the afternoon of Sunday, October 12. Because of factors out…

Update on Hotel Room Availability

Here are some alternative hotels a few miles north of the DoubleTree Hotel. When we fill the rooms for the DoubleTree, you may call the hotels listed below. Keep in mind that you…

Videos of Dr. Stephen Jones speaking at the Community Church in Maungatapere, New Zealand

We have uploaded three videos of Dr. Stephen Jones speaking at the Community Church in Maungatapere, New Zealand. You can find the videos by going to the Videos page located…

Pentecost 2014 On-Line Video Conference - Post Event Review

Posting made by Thom Mills of the Pentecost 2014 On-Line Video Conference - Post Event Review We're How do I Watch Recorded Sessions The…

How to make reservations for the Tabernacles Conference

We just received the personalized web site for you to make reservations for the Tabernacles conference in October. The site allows you to make up to 5 reservations at a time,…

Tabernacles Conference October 9-12, 2014

This is just an early notice to let you know that we found a hotel for our Tabernacles Conference. I signed papers yesterday. It will be at the DoubleTree Hotel in Minneapolis.…

Pentecost conference June 8, and more

Robert Henley will be hosting a one-day internet conference next month for Pentecost. He will be hosting it from Oklahoma City. Here is the list of speakers:…

Passover 2014 Conference - It's a Wrap

Posting made by Thom Mills of the Passover 2014 Conference - It's a Wrap Post Conference Notes: You can watch recorded sessions from the…

Dallas Conference Report

Darla and I arrived home last night at 6:00 p.m. What an adventure this trip was! Going to Dallas, we ran into a storm of frozen rain just before Oklahoma City. We drove 5 mph…

Lone Star Conference Update

Scheduled for the first weekend of December; the 6th through the 8th, at the DFW Airport Hotel in Irving, Texas.   There will not be any fee charged for attendance; it is…

Texas Conference Dec. 6-8, 2013 (flyer)

  Make Your Plans To Attend The 5th Annual Lone Star Bible Conference The Gospel of God’s Kingdom is taught here!      December 6th through 8th, 2013 at the DFW…

More Revelation of the Philippine Trip

The pastors conference in Lake Sebu, Mindanao, Philippines, was identified as the ninth sign of Elisha when Felipe told me that I would have to feed a hundred pastors on Nov. 14…

7.2 Richter quake in Philippines

A powerful earthquake struck the central islands of the Philippines today, measuring 7.1 or 7.2 on the richter scale.…

Conference Testimony from Brother Vinnie

Dear Kingdom Saints, I just came home from ministering at a conference in KC, MO. with Dr. Bruggeman, Dr. Jones, Ron Oja and others.  It was wonderful.  I believe the revelation…

Tabernacles Conference this week end

We will be driving to the Tabernacles conference in Kansas City on Thursday, September 26. It is not likely that I will be posting weblogs between now and next Tuesday. Use…