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Ruling in a Universal Kingdom--Part 4

No one is qualified to rule in the Universal Kingdom unless he has the faith of Abraham (Gal. 3:7) and does his works (John 8:39). And so we read in Gen. 15:6, (6) Then he…

Ruling in a Universal Kingdom--Part 3

In God's instructions for kings in Deut. 17, we read in verses 18-20, (18) Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a…

Ruling in a Universal Kingdom--Part 2

In the conflict between Christians and the world-system, we usually think of "world government" in negative terms. All of the prophesied "beast" systems since the time of Daniel…

Ruling in a Universal Kingdom--Part 1

When Europeans seriously began to explore the rest of the world in the 1500's, it started out as a search for better trade routes to India and the Far East. These were economic…

The Two Opportunities for Justification--Final

God's judgments are always based upon His law. His law is the expression of His character. It is pictured as fire and passed down to mankind through the Holy Spirit. Men's lives…

The Two Opportunities for Justification--Part 2

Passover was the door through which Israel departed Egypt into the wilderness. So also is it with us, for we have faith in the Lamb of God and apply His blood to our "house."…

The Two Opportunities for Justification--Part 1

After His resurrection, Jesus explained His death to two men on the road to Emmaus. Luke 24:27 says, "And beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them…

Thoughts on the Judgments of God

Here are a few thoughts to ponder in regard to the connection between the doctrine of hell and human sacrifice. There was only one human sacrifice that was ever valid in the…

The Impartiality of the Law at the Great White Throne

When we speak of the impartial application of the divine law, it must be understood that "equal rights" do not include the right to worship false gods. The First Commandment makes…

The Impartiality of the Law--Part 4 (Matthew 15)

In Matthew 15 we read about how the Pharisees and scribes criticized Jesus' disciples for not washing (purifying) their hands before they ate bread. It was customary to pour water…

The Impartiality of the Law--Part 3

Isaiah made a statement which both fascinates and astounds me. He hears God's voice and records a prophecy about the coming of Christ. Isaiah 56 says, (1) Thus says the…

The Impartiality of the Law--Part 2

The Law was a gift to all mankind. All are liable when they violate its precepts, for Paul says in Rom. 3:19, (19) Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those…

The Impartiality of the Law--Part 1

Misinterpretations of the Word, by their very nature, misrepresent the character of God in some way. This problem really can only be resolved by knowing God, who He really is, how…

Hilkiah discovers the law of God

The Dow on Friday and Monday dropped steeply. Then Monday was a wild ride up and down hundreds of points, ending up 429 points. Now today it is down once again 400 points (so…

Dr. Lorraine Day speaks out on the Jubilee

Dr. Lorraine Day has been doing some valuable research lately.

The Law of Eating Sacrifices

Deuteronomy 18:1 says, "The Levitical priests, the whole tribe of Levi, shall have no portion or inheritance with Israel; they shall eat the Lord's offerings by fire and His…

The Law of Eating Children

In the Laws of Tribulation, we read of one particular judgment that seems most horrible. Leviticus 26:29 says, (29) Further, you shall eat the flesh of your sons and the…

Judgments or Consequences

In biblical law some sins carry court-ordered judgments, while others do not. For example, if a man steals, he must repay at least double the amount in restitution (Ex. 22:4).…

The Genealogy of Joseph

The original Birthright given to Adam was, in part, that he was given dominion over the earth (Gen. 1:26). This was passed down from generation to generation, and when Jacob split…