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The Law of Sacrifice

When I was growing up as a starry-eyed Christian Zionist, I thought that being a Jew was out of my reach, because one had to be born a Jew genealogically to be one of God's Chosen…

If I were to keep the whole law, would that make me righteous?

Yes, it would--if you could do so. The problem is, you have already broken it, for "all have sinned" (Rom. 3:23). Nothing good that you can do from now on will change the past. So…

Since we cannot keep the law, why should we try to do so?

This is sort of like giving up ahead of time because it is impossible to be perfect. Should we stop striving for excellence in sports just because we know that we will probably not…

Comment on Lev. 7:8

"Also the priest who presents any man's burnt offering, that priest shall have for himself the skin of the burnt offering which he has presented." Our Burnt Offering is Jesus…

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