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Captivity--The Cause and Solution

When we look at our present situation in the world, we must always keep in mind that our captivity to Mystery Babylon did not just suddenly appear out of nowhere. The bigger…

The Law of the Eighth Day

There are many very important truths that are missed when people neglect or refuse to study the books of the law. If Christians studied the story of Israel in the wilderness under…

How Rabbis can Destroy the Law by their Traditions

Here's a good modern example, and it explains the current situation in Palestine. It also explains the thinking behind the Sanhedrin's decision to put Jesus to death.…

The Consequences of Sin--Part 6

All of mankind, with the exception of the overcomers, will appear before the Great White Throne to be judged "according to their works" (Rev. 20:13). Their faith (or lack of…

The Consequences of Sin--Part 5

In order to really understand the judgments of God by means of the "lake of fire," one must know the divine law. It is the "fiery law" (Deut. 33:2) by which God judges all…

The Consequences of Sin--Part 4

Jesus' death on the cross is the ultimate picture of the consequences of sin. But the more pertinent question for us is whether or not His death on the cross left us with any…

The Consequences of Sin--Part 3

Virtually all genuine Christians understand the basic teaching that Jesus Christ died for the sin of the world. The only ones who may not realize this are those who think that…

The Consequences of Sin--Part 2

In the early centuries of the Church, the vast majority of the believers spoke Greek, most of them as their native tongue. Geisler says that most of them believed that the…

The Consequences of Sin--Part 1

Since about the sixth century A.D., official mainstream Church teaching has held that sinners will be tortured in a fiery pit forever. In the past two centuries, however, there…

The Hezekiah Factor--Part 2

The Hezekiah Factor was the divine manipulation of Time so that the Jubilee could be celebrated ten years beyond the calendar Jubilee without actually being late. Israel's 14th…

The Hezekiah Factor--Part 1

With so many new people beginning to read these weblogs, I thought it would be helpful to explain the Hezekiah Factor again. Hebrews 1:2 tells us that God "made the ages"…

Biblical Righteousness--Part 3

Saul/Paul was educated in the rabbinical schools of the day after arriving in Jerusalem from Tarsus. In Tarsus earlier, evidence shows in his writings, he had been schooled in…

Biblical Righteousness--Part 2

To understand any matter requires knowing its antithesis. This gives us the "Blackboard Effect," so that we are able to define our terms in contrast to the opposite "wrong" idea.…

Biblical Righteousness--Part 1

There are a number of biblical words which cannot be expressed by a single English translation. This can be confusing to some people and can even lead to misunderstanding of the…

Law and Covenants

I have been told in the past that there is no difference between the Law and the Old Covenant, and that when the Old Covenant became obsolete, so did the Law itself. I'm sure it…

The Biblical Reason for Elijah's Drought--Part 2

Deut. 11:16, 17 says, " (16) Beware, lest your hearts be deceived and you turn away and serve other gods and worship them. (17) Or the anger of the Lord will be kindled…

The Biblical Reason for Elijah's Drought--Part 1

In 1 Kings 17:1 Elijah suddenly appears in the biblical narrative and pronounces judgment upon Israel. He says, "As the Lord, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely…

Did Jesus condone usury in Luke 19?

Jesus' use of irony in a parable has been used as proof that Jesus approved the sin of usury. Let us look at the parable in Luke 19 to see what Jesus was really telling us.…

Remarriage--A Point of Law

Earlier this month I talked about divorce and remarriage. I need to clarify a point of law that may be important for those that it affects today. In Deut. 24 we see that a man…

What Happened to the Laws of Sacrifice and Purification?

Under the Old Covenant, sacrifice was required to purge sin in order to satisfy the law. Purification was accomplished normally by water, though sometimes by blood, fire, or oil.…