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Putting Prisoners to work in Britain

Here's a step in the right direction. It is a small step, but it moves us a bit toward God's Law.

Applying the Law with Impartiality

When we identify nations discussed in the Bible, it should be clearly understood that nations are not individuals. In every nation there are good and bad, the same as with Judah…

Insight about Restitution

Here is an email that just arrived. Steve, I was reading your teaching on the 8th Commandment to my family over breakfast this morning. When we got to the part about pay 1/5…

The Tenth Commandment

In a way, the Tenth Commandment functions as a summary of all the commandments. There are two ways of expressing such a summary. The positive expression is, "You SHALL love the…

The Ninth Commandment

The Ninth Commandment is something I covered earlier in three weblog postings. I won't try to repeat this now in the current series.

The Eighth Commandment

The Eighth Commandment reads, "You shall not steal." This is one Commandment that I have not written about very much on the weblogs, simply because I already have a booklet on it…

The Seventh Commandment

It is getting harder to find a new topic for these blogs. It seems that I have written on thousands of topics since I began writing these in late 2005. One of these days I will…

The Sixth Commandment

I have been going through the Ten Commandments recently, but there is no need to repeat the Sixth Commandment which I wrote in January of 2008. Here it is for new readers.…

The Fifth Commandment--Part 2

The Fifth Commandment admonishes us to honor our father and mother. In the larger sense, this is a command to honor our Heavenly Father (and Mother). Yahweh is our Father, and El…

The Fifth Commandment

The Fifth Commandment reads this way in Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you."…

Changes in the Sabbath Law--Part 4

When Israel first received the law at Sinai, the stated reason for its observance was to commemorate God's Rest after completing His work of creating all things. From there,…

Changes in the Sabbath Law--Part 3

It took seven days of preparation and cleansing (Lev. 8:35) before the priests were consecrated on the eighth day (Lev. 9:1). It took seven days of cleansing after lepers were…

Changes in the Sabbath Law--Part 2

As I wrote in Part 1, the early church writers justified their observance of Sunday on their belief that Jesus was raised from the dead on that day. For this reason some have…

Changes in the Sabbath Law--Part 1

I have already mentioned how the Feast-day Sabbath practices were necessarily changed from the Old Covenant to the New. But what about the change from Saturday to Sunday? This is…

Changes in the Law in Hebrews and Deuteronomy

The Book of Hebrews was written anonymously, I believe, by the Apostle Paul in order to gently correct the Jerusalem Church for its continued dependence upon the Temple in…

The Fourth Commandment

The Fourth Commandment says in Exodus 20:8, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." Sabbath means "rest; cessation." Holy means "set apart for divine service." Each…

The Name of Jesus

The main argument over the use of the Sacred Name usually goes like this: 1. Baal and Adonai mean "lord." 2. Baal and Adonai are pagan gods of Phoenicia. 3. Therefore, to use…

Taking God's Name in Vain

The First Commandment establishes God as the only Sovereign over all that He has created. It establishes the biblical form of government on the earth. All authorities on earth are…

Preacher Arrested for implying that Homosexual behavior is a sin

This is from a British news service: Dale…

The Legal Basis of Being Chosen

The rise and fall of Babylon is prophesied in Scripture. When we see the historic repeats and understand the time cycles involved, it is a testament to the sovereignty of God and…