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Limitations of the Old Covenant

Under the Old Covenant the law was applied with the goal of establishing a stable godly society. While that was good, it also had certain inherent limitations in dealing with many…

God's Laws on Sexual Sins--Part 6

In Matthew 19 Jesus discussed marriage and divorce with the Pharisees, who came to tempt him with the question, "Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife FOR EVERY CAUSE?" This…

God's Laws on Sexual Sins--Part 5

Last time I wrote about divorce and remarriage, primarily focusing upon the Old Testament. But since Jesus appeared to contradict the law in Matthew 5, I need to follow through…

God's Laws on Sexual Sins--Part 4

There are two kinds of marriage recognized in Scripture. There is the marriage of a free woman, and the marriage of a bondwoman. These distinctions are discussed in Exodus…

God's Laws on Sexual Sins--Part 3

I recall from my high school class that two couples "had to get married" before graduation, because the girls were pregnant. They were partially following God's law--the penalty…

God's Laws on Sexual Sins--Part 2

First, a correction from Part 1 . . . Midian was the son of Abraham through Keturah, not the son of Abraham's nephew, Lot (Gen. 25:1, 2). Sorry. I have called the Repairman,…

God's Laws on Sexual Sins--Part 1

In defining the various words describing sexual sins, we find that the biblical definitions sometimes differ from our modern dictionary definitions. This is particularly true with…

Michael Hudson, former Wall Street insider, Advocates a Jubilee

Here is a 9-minute video that is well worth watching. It is an interview with Michael Hudson, who was in London to speak at a recent economic conference, where he advocated at…

The Telegraph: Biblical Debt Jubilee may be the only answer It appears that there are some serious Christians at…

I wish I had said that

As an addendum to yesterday's blog about The Overcomer Mission, I was made aware of a quotation from George MacDonald, who wrote more than a century ago. He was C.S. Lewis'…

The Overcomer Mission

The Church as a whole has a different mission from the overcomers. The Church's mission is to get saved and then get other people saved in order to get more membership. It is to…

The Law of the Census and Poll Tax--Part 3

Moses gave the basic laws; the prophets gave some Supreme Court rulings where Moses was incomplete or silent, and the biblical history books teach us the applications of the law…

The Law of the Census and Poll Tax--Part 2

In my book, Secrets of Time, I showed that when Israel entered the land of Canaan, they were supposed to begin keeping rest years and Jubilees. In other words, they were to plant…

The Law of the Census and Poll Tax--Part 1

Many have heard the story of David's sin in numbering the people (2 Sam. 24; 1 Chron. 21). It is often taught that his sin was in taking a census, but in fact there was no law…

The Law of the First-Born--Part 5

After all the First-Born in Israel were redeemed by the 22,000 Levites, there were 273 Israelite First-Born sons left over to be redeemed. They were redeemed with five shekels of…

The Law of the First-Born--Part 4

The basic premise of all biblical law is found in Genesis 1:1. The God of the Bible is the Creator of the Universe and therefore OWNS all things. As owner, He has inherent rights…

The Law of the First-Born--Part 3

The story of Abiathar's fall from the high priesthood is a very sobering story because it is a prophetic type and shadow of things that were to come. As I wrote earlier, it…

The Law of the First-Born--Part 2

Ezekiel 44 is one of the most important prophecies about the change of priesthood that was to come. In its Old Testament context, it speaks in terms of the change from Eli to…

The Law of the First-Born--Part 1

Even as the law of first fruits applies to agriculture (grain and fruit), so also does the law of the first-born apply to mankind. Both laws are based upon the principle that…

The Law of First-Fruits

In Kingdom agriculture, the first-fruits of the harvest were to be given to God. This was separate from the tithe itself. When a tree was first planted, fruit could not be…