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Truth and Illusion

The rise of Freudian psychology in the 1920's, combined with the public relations ideas promoted by Edward Bernays, firmly established the value of illusion in managing the…

Lords and Servants

The fundamental principle of all good government rests upon the idea that governing officials are public servants, rather than privileged lords over commoners. The pursuit of…

Unity and the Open Door

When we were born, we experienced the trauma of separation that we had not known while in the womb. It was in the plan of God that we should have beingness, an identity of our…

Order and Peace

When God created the universe, it was said in Gen. 1:2, "And the earth was [or became] formless and void" (NASB). Man was given authority and the intelligence to bring order out…

War and Broken Treaties: Part 2

I stated in part one that there are two ways to fight a war. There is the Old Covenant method, which utilizes the physical sword and results in bloodshed; and there is the New…

War and Broken Treaties

When we poured out the vial at Amityville Cemetery on Oct. 7, part of its purpose was to reconcile an underlying problem of "bad decisions" made by many U.S. presidents over the…

Seeing His Glory

In John 7:37-39 Jesus prophesied about the Holy Spirit on the eighth day of Tabernacles. I believe that this set the timing for that event, so I point this out because today is…

The Reward of Faith

Paul says in 1 Thess. 2:13, "For this cause also we thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you received it not as the…

The Covenant of Miracles

Many years ago, I watched certain men of God as they were led by the Spirit. They would often travel thousands of miles at times just because the Lord told them to pray at a…

It is Done

On October 7, 2006 I gathered in Babylon, New York with a group of 35 to bear witness of the time of the seventh vial. We were led to drive to four different cemeteries, pouring…

The Water and the Wine

In the old temple in Jerusalem the feast of Tabernacles was celebrated for seven days with a ceremony where the priest poured a pitcher of water taken from the Pool of Siloam. It…

Outline of Prophetic History: Part 3

Three world wars have been planned long ago by certain occult-political forces with the goal of destroying Islam, Judaism, and Christianity in one final blow. Whether or not this…

Outline of Prophetic History: Part 2

I wrote about the spiritual warfare of 2001 in my series last June called "Intercession for America," so I will not attempt to repeat it here. Those of you who are new readers may…

Outline of Prophetic History

This morning as I awoke, the Lord spoke to tell me that the New Gideon's Army is to conduct a prayer campaign on October 10. At the present time, I know nothing further, but I…

Religious Toleration

The idea of religious toleration is not new, but only in recent years has it been implemented with any degree of success. Carnally-minded religious leaders have had a long history…

Will Satan be Saved? No

It was the belief of many in the early Church that the devil and his angels would be "saved" in the end. They based this view on the biblical statements that all of creation would…

History of Restoration: Part 5

When Theophilus of Alexandria first became involved in the Origenist controversy, he took the side of John of Jerusalem. But Jerome sent him flattering letters and soon won his…

History of Restoration: Part 4

Though Origen was one of the most influential theologians of the third and fourth century, it is only natural that he also had enemies who opposed various things that he had…

History of Restoration: Part 3

When Origen went to Caesarea in 231 A.D., there were two brothers from a rich family in Neocaesarea in Pontus who came to study under him for five years. They were Gregory (later…

History of Restoration: Part 2

Origen of Alexandria was just seventeen when he became the head of the Church in Alexandria. The persecution of Emperor Severus began in 202 A.D., which caused Clement to flee to…