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History of Restoration: Part 1

What the leaders of the early Church believed carries only a little more weight than what modern Christians think the Bible says. Yet many today do not realize the extent to which…

The Restoration of All Things: Part 8

The Bible focuses primarily upon the history of the Birthright, which originally included the Dominion Mandate--the right to rule the earth that was passed down from Adam to…

The Restoration of All Things: Part 7

When I was a child growing up as a missionary kid in the Philippines, we sang many times about Christ our Redeemer. My mother, who was Swedish, taught us the old Swedish song,…

The Restoration of All Things: Part 6

When God created all things, He pronounced it "good" at each stage of creation and then "very good" at the end (Gen.1:31). Sin was not built into creation but was a later…

The Restoration of All Things: Part 5

Paul's most complete resurrection teaching is found in 1 Cor. 15. The first 21 verses prove the resurrection in a manner consistent with his early training as a Pharisee. The…

The Restoration of All Things: Part 4

There is a popular Christian praise and worship song that is sung all over the world called "Come, Now is the Time to Worship." A lot of hymnbook theology is trite and often is…

The Restoration of All Things: Part 3

The Greek noun aion means "an eon," or "an age." Its adjective form is aionios, which means "age-abiding," or "pertaining to an age." Back in the early fifth century, when Jerome…

The Restoration of All Things: Part 2

Jesus said in Matt. 7:1, "Judge not, lest you be judged." But Paul said in 1 Cor. 6:2, "Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?" Paul chides the Church for not…

The Restoration of All Things: Part 1

The name of this study is taken from Acts 3:21, which says, " (20) And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you, (21) whom the heavens must receive…

Summary and Overview

In the past week I have written a "Who's Who" series in order to give you the tools by which you may interpret Bible prophecy more accurately. Today I want to tie it all together…

The Russian Chapters of Ezekiel: Final

In reading Ezekiel 38, it appears that the prophet blended two prophecies into one, as so often happens in Scripture. In this case it seems that Zionism (i.e., immigrating to…

The Russian Chapters of Ezekiel: Part 2

Prophecy teachers have claimed for many years that Russia will invade "Israel." I recall in the 1960's how they read Ez. 38:15, "all of them riding on horses," and they eloquently…

The "Russian Chapters" of Ezekiel

During the Cold War in the past century, the evangelical prophecy teachers taught that Russia would invade the Israeli state. They got this from a misunderstanding of Ezekiel 38…

The Barren Fig Tree

The Babylonian captivity of Jerusalem (604-534 B.C.) did not end when the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon and allowed the people of Judah to return to their land in Canaan.…

The Two "Trees" of Judah

The United Kingdom of Israel during the reign of Saul, David, and Solomon was divided after Solomon died. The two resulting nations were called Israel and Judah. The northern…

Ishmael and Esau: Part 2

The Israeli state is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. It is fulfilling all the prophecies of Edom in the violent manner that the Bible portrays. Yet most evangelical Christians…

Ishmael and Esau: Part 1

I was originally going to entitle these latest studies "The Religious History of Violence," because that is how carnally-minded men believe the Kingdom of God must be established…

Ishmael and Isaac in the Modern World: Part 3

Regardless of what form they take, Ishmaelites will not rule in the Kingdom of God. Biblically speaking, the sons of Hagar are not ultimate inheritors of the Kingdom. For this…

Ishmael and Isaac in the Modern World: Part 2

When God gave Abram a physical land inheritance (Canaan), it was not intended to be the highest inheritance for His people. Canaan was only a physical type of the real land…

Ishmael and Isaac in the Modern World: Part 1

The Bible teaches largely by illustration and by contrast. People are often types that illustrate principles, and many times they are compared to other types. Thus, Adam is…