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Daniel's 70 Weeks: Final

Daniel's 70 weeks is actually ten Jubilees. A Jubilee cycle is 49 years, followed by the Jubilee YEAR, which is the 50th year. But that 50th year is also the first year of the…

Daniel's 70 Weeks: Part 5

I mentioned earlier that Daniel's 70 weeks have two beginning points and two endpoints. The cycle began first in 458 B.C. when King Artaxerxes of Persia sent Ezra to Jerusalem in…

Daniel's 70 Weeks: Part 4

Daniel's 70 weeks ended with the crucifixion. Of that there can be no doubt. The "clock" did not stop at the beginning or the middle of the week, in order to resume in the future.…

Daniel's 70 Weeks: Part 3

The timing of Daniel's 70th week (26-33 A.D.) and Jesus' crucifixion are explicitly linked together by Daniel's prophecy. Likewise, because Jesus said in Matthew 18 that the…

Daniel's 70 Weeks: Part 2

In Part One I wrote that Daniel's 70 weeks had two starting points: 458 and 445 B.C. To identify these dates correctly is critically important in order to know the end points…

Daniel's 70 Weeks: Part 1

The idea of the seven-year tribulation at the end of this age is founded primarily upon the belief that Daniel's 70th week is yet future. This view, however, is based upon the…

The Rapture: Part 10 (Final)

From what we have set forth in this lengthy series on "The Rapture," it should be apparent by now that the evangelical understanding of this term must be modified. The Greek term…

The Rapture: Part 9

The instructions for the Feast of Tabernacles in Lev. 23 single out only two days--the first and the eighth--as sabbaths. However, when we look deeper at the types and shadows, a…

The Rapture: Part 8

The divine law reveals His plan in both the first and second comings of Christ. The feasts in the seventh month of the Hebrew year (Sept.-Oct.) reveal the order of events in…

The Rapture: Part 7

The Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth, "booths") was to be kept for seven days, and then they had a final ceremony on the morning of the eighth day. The basic law of this feast is…

The Rapture: Part 6

Before moving on to explain the Feast of Tabernacles and its fulfillment in the time of Christ's coming, let us look one more time at the Old Testament types and shadows to glean…

The Rapture: Part 5

In Numbers 10, the stated purpose of blowing the trumpets is to gather the people (either the leaders or the congregation itself) and to muster the people for battle. We showed…

The Rapture: Part 4

We have shown earlier that Israel had two sets of feast days, one in the spring and one in the autumn. The spring feasts centered around Passover and Pentecost, both of which were…

The Rapture: Part 3

During my early years in the Church, I heard contradictory teachings from the same pulpits in regard to the final home of the saints. One week the preacher would long to "go to…

The Rapture: Part 2

Perhaps the most well known passage setting forth the second coming of Christ is found in 1 Thess. 4:15-17, "(15) For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who…

The Rapture: Part 1

Most people are unaware that the modern pretribulation rapture theory is only about 200 years old. Its earliest version was set forth in 1812 by a Spanish Jesuit named Manuel de…

Judah and Joseph: Part 5

I showed last time that the Church was and is actually a continuation of the tribe of Judah. The Church originally was formed under Moses (Acts 7:38), but on the day of Pentecost…

Judah and Joseph: Part 4

The story of Judah and Joseph really begins in Genesis 37 when Joseph was sold by his brothers as a slave to merchants going to Egypt. Most of the brothers wanted to kill him…

Judah and Joseph: Part 3

Jesus is the rightful Heir of the scepter that was given to Judah as well as the birthright that was given to Joseph (1 Chron. 5:;1, 2). His arrival on the scene 2,000 years ago…

Judah and Joseph: Part 2

I showed in Part One how the lost tribes of Israel disappeared from history. It was not that they were actually lost, but rather that they lost their name and were no longer…