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Judah and Joseph: Part 1

One of the most important keys to understanding Bible prophecy is to know the difference between Israel and Judah. The name of "Israel" was given to Jacob in Gen. 32:28, and…

The Day of the Lord

At the end of 1 Thess. 4, the Apostle Paul talks about Christ's coming, and then immediately in chapter 5 he speaks of "a thief in the night." In our western culture, of course,…

God to Edom: How to Act Chosen

The Bible says that God "chose" Abraham, telling him in Gen. 12:3 that "in you and in your descendants all the families of the earth will be blessed." God later formed Israel into…

The Problem of Evil: Part 7

We are now ready to deal with the most perplexing question concerning the problem of Evil. It is the problem of liability for Adam's sin. To determine liability, most people argue…

The Problem of Evil: Part 6

Some of you may have thought that my last web log diverted from the theme at hand, since I dealt with the duration and nature of "hell," or "the lake of fire." However, no…

The Problem of Evil: Part 5

Man's judgments are always flawed, because they proceed from the finite mind that does not see the end from the beginning. The only way that we can judge all things perfectly is…

The Problem of Evil: Part 4

Evil is not an illusion, but it certainly is a matter of perspective. When Stalin starved millions of people during the 1930's, it was "good" from his perspective and "evil" from…

The Problem of Evil: Part 3

There are two very different views about the concept of duality. One view says that a dualistic mindset means recognizing the existence of two worlds: the material world and the…

The Problem of Evil: Part 2

There is no place in Scripture where we are told that evil is a creation of either man or the devil. While it is true that men DO evil, and that evil certainly exists in the…

The Problem of Evil: Part 1

In view of the fact that God is the Commander of the New Gideon Army, it is appropriate to write about Him and His character. That way, we will all be better able to discern His…

Your True Identity: Part 2

God is the ultimate Reality, and structure is His creation-servant. When we identify ourselves with our spiritual man inside, we are identifying with Love. That is who we…

Your True Identity: Part 1

The Bible often tells us how people receive new names. Jacob became Israel, Joshua became Jehoshua, Jedidiah became Solomon, and so on. Names given by God identify the…

Reversing Laodicean Blindness

We took note last September at the Feast of Tabernacles (held in Denver) that the first five bowls of wine poured out upon Babylon in Revelation 16 involved hearing something,…

Dealing with Blindness

In the "God Is Able" prayer campaign of June 15, the New Gideon's Army prayed (in part): "Open their hearts, eyes, and ears so that they may be blessed and turned from their…

The Origins of Babylonian Rebellion: Part 2

This past week end we met to discuss and discern the roots of the Babylonian rebellion and to root them out as God revealed them to us. The revelation itself provides the…

The Origins of Babylonian Rebellion: Part 1

From Adam to Noah the earth became corrupted in rebellion against God. That problem was judiciously resolved with the flood, which, in essence, gave the earth a clean slate. When…

Babylon Held Accountable

In Matt. 18:21 Peter asked Jesus how often to forgive his brother. He assumed that seven times was sufficient. But Jesus told him "seventy times seven," or 490 times. Jesus then…

The Elijah Ministry

In yesterday's weblog I wrote that Elijah ran from Jezebel because the remnant of grace in his day stopped praying for him, and he ran out of prayer support. Sorry, but this was…

Intercession for America: Part 7

In Part 5, I wrote about the "war of shields" in July of 2001 in which we took the archprince Theos captive. Recall that Theos had authority over Europe and America. We used…

Intercession for America: Part 6

Thank-you to all of you who participated in the "God Is Able" Prayer Campaign yesterday. It was a big success, judging by the number of hits on the web site. It was double our…