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Intercession for America: Part 5

In May of 2001 a dozen people were led to meet in Coer d'Alene, Idaho to discuss the Word of the Lord and to establish certain things by the Spirit. While we were there, the Lord…

Intercession for America: Part 4

In the overthrow of the seven princes over America, we received an unexpected bonus that was not revealed until after it was completed. The Lord said that America had been…

Intercession for America: Part 3

The first phase of our spiritual warfare in 2001 ended on February 28, 2001. This is when the 6.8 Richter quake hit the Capitol Dome in Olympia, Washington, as I explained…

Intercession for America: Part 2

After our meetings at the DoubleTree in Minneapolis were concluded (Feb. 22, 2001), I took a plane to Seattle, Washington State, where I was scheduled to hold other meetings. The…

Intercession for America in 2001: Part 1

The year 2001 was one of the most pivotal years in history. Everything changed in that year, not only in America but for the whole world. As I have written many times, the…

What To Do When Babylon Falls

At the end of Revelation 16 we are told that when the seventh bowl of wine is poured out upon Babylon, there is "a great earthquake" along with "hail." Some of this might have a…

Christ's Coming Revealed by Moses

When the Apostle Paul wrote of the second coming of Christ, he used terminology from the book of Exodus, using Moses as a type of Christ. His quotes would have been quite familiar…

Signs in John

Since the last weblog gave such a brief summary of the signs in John in order to focus upon the two middle signs, I thought it would be helpful to share a little about the first…

Command vs. Control: Part 2

First, I want to make one point clear. If I gave the impression in Part 1 that everyone must go through 25 years of training in order to learn how this stuff works, this was not…

Command vs. Control

Every event which we call a miracle is unique and evokes praise and glory to God. But more often than not we think of miracles as unusual events, occurring only to great "men of…

Walking on Water: Part 2

One of the unusual features of the story in Matthew 14 is the fact that Jesus did not calm the storm until after He was in the boat with the disciples. If most of us had been in…

Walking on Water: Part 1

In Matthew 14, Mark 6, and John 6 we are told how Jesus walked on the water in the midst of a storm to come to His disciples who were stuck in the middle of the Sea of Galilee.…

Intercession for the Church: Part 4

There are many miracles taking place around the world even now. The Holy Spirit has always been active in the world, and some of these things have even been reported in the news.…

Intercession for the Church: Part 3

I showed in the first part how the Church aborted and miscarried the Manchild and how God separated His overcomers into a new group which, in the records of the divine court, was…

Intercession for the Church: Part 2

In Part One, I told about the trip to Corpus Christi in 1989 and the second trip in 1997. My wife and I went to Victoria, Texas and were remarried in a New Covenant wedding August…

Intercession for the Church

I was called many years ago to intercede for the Church with various goals, but the most important goal was for the outpouring of the Spirit. The Church uses the term "revival,"…

About Abortion: Final

In October 1984 some co-workers asked me to perform a wedding ceremony in early November. His name was Christian, and his bride had a name that means "pearl." I heard: "Christ…

About Abortion: Part 4

From a political standpoint, it would be foolish for a political party to push legislation that would kill members of their own party, whom they rely upon to vote for their…

About Abortion: Part 3

In Part 2 I gave just a little background behind the rise of Mystery Babylon in America and the world since 1914. I also showed how America was placed under a "wooden yoke"…

About Abortion: Part 2

I showed in Part 1 how the prophecies of the slaughter of the innocents were partially fulfilled at the time of Jesus' birth when Herod killed the children of Bethlehem. I also…