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About Abortion: Part 1

Around the time Moses was born, the Egyptian Pharaoh demanded that all the newborn Hebrew male children be killed. (Exodus 1:16). Because Moses was a type of Christ, we find the…

The Coming Move of God: Part 2

I told the story in Part 1 about the coming of Peniel, the angel of Tabernacles on Oct. 8, 1995. Now I need to give you the double witness that confirmed the experience. In…

The Coming Move of God: Part 1

The last great move of God (in a big way) was the Latter Rain movement (1948-1952). Out of this came the Full Gospel Businessmen's Association in the mid-1950's and then the…

Are the Floodgates Opening? Part 2

When the "floodgates" open, it would be reasonable to expect to see the world system in trouble and the Kingdom of God emerging in the power of the Spirit. Ten years ago we…

Are the Floodgates opening? Part 1

In August of 1996 we moved from Seattle to Minneapolis. The revelation at the time was that we were to be in Minneapolis by September 2 to "open the gates." Ten years earlier a…

God's Vows

The Scriptures record a number of vows that God made over the centuries. A vow is not the same as a covenant, but it is certainly just as binding. Whether God vows something or…

The Rock

At the beginning of Israel's sojourn in the wilderness under Moses, the people ran out of water. When Moses prayed for a solution to the problem, God told him in Exodus 17:6,…

The Priesthood of Eli: Part 4

There are two biblical orders of priest, one greater and one lesser. The lesser is the order of Levi (or Aaron); the greater is the order of Melchizedek, or Melchisedec. Hebrews 7…

The Priesthood of Eli: Part 3

There is no biblical evidence that Eli was anything but a good, kindly old man who fulfilled his duties faithfully in the temple. There is no doubt that he was a true believer as…

The Priesthood of Eli: Part 2

Submitting to men is the whole idea behind denominationalism. It is based upon the idea that the Church is an earthly organization, and that in order to "join the Church," one…

The Priesthood of Eli: Part 1

Even as King Saul is the foremost prophetic type of the political side of the Church in the Pentecostal Age, so also is Eli the foremost prophetic type of the priestly side of the…

The Reign of King Saul

In my web log of April 28 entitled, "The Pentecostal Century," I wrote that King Saul was the primary prophetic type of the political Church--that is, the government of the…

The Pentecostal Century

One hundred years ago this month, the Azusa Street revival began in Los Angeles, which brought Pentecost to the world. It came through the ministry of William J. Seymour. The…

Kingdom Government

There is a basic difference between the government of the Kingdom of God and the governments of man. Both apply to the earth and mankind, but their motives and purposes are quite…

Kingdom Authority and Ultimate Unity

The Kingdom of God extends throughout both heaven and earth. Heaven is not "up there" nor is earth "down here." These are terms describing dimensions, rather than locations. These…

Spiritual and Mental Logic: Part 3

Up to this point I have emphasized the authority of the spirit and its heart (spiritual mind) over the soulish, or carnal mind. The soul and its mind ought properly to be the…

Spiritual and Mental Logic: Part 2

The human mind demands structure. It takes at least 2 points to make structure, because a single point has no size or structure. Thus, the human mind is limited to the dualistic…

Spiritual and Mental Logic: Part 1

Within each of us are two centers of thinking. In the Bible they are referred to as the spirit and the soul. The thinking center of the spirit is called the heart. The thinking…

The Kingdom of God: Final

It is a political axiom, based upon human nature, that nations act in their own self-interest. The Bible, however, labels "human nature" to be the carnal man or the soulish man…

The Kingdom of God: Part 4

The Kingdom of God is a Universal Kingdom. It is not an exclusive club for Israelites, although Israel does have a major role to play in its establishment. Yet when I speak of…