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The Kingdom of God: Part 3

I showed in my last weblog that the Kingdom is already in existence--and has been at least since the days of Moses. Moses founded the Kingdom under a Passover anointing, and from…

The Kingdom of God: Part 2

When Jesus sent out His disciples, He told them in Matt. 10:7, "And as you go, preach, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." What did He mean, at hand? Was it immediate?…

The Kingdom of God: Part 1

Jesus and the disciples preached a message called "the Gospel of the Kingdom." Matt. 9:35 says, "And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their…

The Story of Judas

In yesterday's web log, I mentioned that I have a supply of Potassium Iodate that you may purchase for $15 per bottle, plus $5 per order for postage. I failed to mention how to…

Sliding into World War Three: Final

Recently, The New Yorker magazine published an article by Seymour Hersh about the Bush Administration's plans to attack Iran, possibly including some use of nuclear weapons to…

Sliding into World War Three: Part 2

Albert Pike, the head of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the late 1800's, was an avowed Luciferian. His religion was just one occult denomination competing for power. Luciferianism…

Sliding into World War Three: Part 1

As the newly-elected government in Iraq remains bogged down in sectarian disputes, the country continues its downhill slide into civil war. Everyone wants peace, but they all want…

Understanding Prophecy

When I read various prophetic words sent to me or posted on web sites, I am struck by the fact that even true prophets out there misunderstand things that God tells them. It takes…

The Axe Laid to the Root: Final

In my web logs of Feb. 2 and Feb. 6, I wrote about the coming dates of March 24 and 25. This is our topic today in the final part of our current series. March 24-25 was 76 days…

The Axe Laid to the Root: Part 4

As my wife and I were in prayer last night, the Lord unexpectedly instructed me to give you some personal background leading to the Jubilee Prayer Campaign in 1993. In 1979,…

The Axe Laid to the Root: Part 3

In my last article, I wrote about the first watch date one year after the Jubilee Prayer Campaign, in which Speaker of the House, Tom Foley, pushed the GATT treaty through the…

The Axe Laid to the Root: Part 2

Our Jubilee Prayer Campaign was launched from Nov. 21-29, 1993. It was timed to coincide with the 46th anniversary of the Palestinian Resolution, which was debated in the U.N.…

The Axe Laid to the Root: Part 1

In the book of Revelation, an entity called "Babylon" is presented to us as the great world-wide, man-made counterfeit to the Kingdom of God. This "Babylon" is also presented in…

God's Old Street Address: Jerusalem

After the priesthood in Shiloh became corrupted, God moved out of Shiloh and never looked back. A child was born at the time, and he was named Ichabod, which means "the glory has…

God's Old Street Address: Shiloh

In Deut. 16 and 26 God told the Israelites that they were to bring their first fruits offerings and to keep their feast days in the place where He has put His name. In other…

A Prophetic History of the United States--Final

When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, they established a Colony based upon Christian ideals. They had come primarily to enjoy freedom of conscience so that they could…

A Prophetic History of the United States--1937

In my book, Secrets of Time, I calculated that the 119th Jubilee from Adam occurred on the Day of Atonement of 1937, while the 120th Jubilee occurred in 1986. Today we will deal…

A Prophetic History of the United States--1917 Captivity Supplement

In the prophecies of Daniel 2, we see that Rome was described in terms of IRON. Thus, we call this fourth beast (Dan. 7) "the iron kingdom." When Constantine (and Licinius)…

A Prophetic History of the United States - 1917

I have already shown that 1914 was 2,520 years after Babylon became an Empire in 607 B.C. Now we will see that 1917 was 2,520 years after Babylon conquered Jerusalem in 604…

A Prophetic History of the United States--1914 Supplement

I was originally going to move on to the year 1917 today, but a news event happened yesterday that changed things. I have written in the past about the Silver sign, in that the…