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The Debt Note in Prophecy: Part 7

The Zionists were given the Debt Note in 1948. Edom became "chosen," and they became responsible before God to bring forth the fruits of the Kingdom. The Edomites were Zionists…

The Debt Note in Prophecy: Part 6

As I showed in Part 5 (and more extensively in other writings), God allowed the Zionists to return to the old land in order to right an ancient wrong. In Gen. 27, Jacob pretended…

The Debt Note in Prophecy: Part 5

The divine law prophesied that Christ was to come twice in order to accomplish His purpose. The law regarding leprosy in Lev. 14 said that it took TWO doves to cleanse lepers. The…

The Debt Note in Prophecy, Part 4

Throughout the book of Judges, God put Israel into six distinct captivities. None of them involved displacement and deportation to a foreign land, which would have constituted a…

The Debt Note in Prophecy: Part 3

In Exodus 22:1-4 God gives us a key provision of divine justice and mercy. It says that if a man is guilty of theft, he is NOT to be executed, but is required to work in order to…

The Debt Note in Prophecy: Part 2

The parables of Isaiah 5 and Matthew 21 show us that God is a farmer who wants to produce good fruit, generally referred to as "grapes." We know, however, that this is symbolic,…

The Debt Note in Prophecy: Part 1

Isaiah 5:1-7 gives us the words of a song that Jesus used as a model for his parable in Matt. 21:33-44. An understanding of this parable is very important in knowing the mind of…

Basics of Bible Prophecy Fulfillment: Part 4

I have a few more thoughts on the question of who has the divine right to rule in the Kingdom of God, which I believe are both relevant and important to this discussion. Adam was…

Basics of Bible Prophecy Fulfillment: Part 3

What does it mean to be "chosen," or part of God's "elect"? Like any "elected" official, it has to do with who has been given authority to bring the blessings of Abraham to the…

Basics of Bible Prophecy Fulfillment: Part 2

The year 2006-2007, as I said in Part 1, is the end of the period of the seven bowls (vials). It is like a 7-year Feast of Tabernacles, in which a bowl of wine is poured out as a…

Basics of Bible Prophecy Fulfillment: Part 1

The book of Revelation is structured upon the Hebrew calendar. The Hebrew calendar makes every seventh year a land-rest year (i.e., Sabbath year). The year is comprised of twelve…

The Big Prophetic Picture: Part 4

After Gulf War I, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin made a genuine attempt to make peace between his country and the Palestinians. He was the first to hold peace talks with Arafat, and…

The Big Prophetic Picture: Part 3

In the vision of March 26,1986 I was carried in the spirit to Saudi Arabia where I saw the "bear" being guarded. The angel said to "watch the month of Ramadan," because that was…

The Big Prophetic Picture: Part 2

On March 26, 1986, nearly 20 years ago, I was taken in the spirit to Saudi Arabia where an angel revealed some very specific events that were about to happen. Quoting from my notes…

The Big Prophetic Picture: Part 1

Sometimes we get so bogged down in details, we lose sight of the bigger picture. This can also be a problem when we speak of current events--important as they are to current…

911 Plus 1656 Days (4 x 414)

The year 2006 is shaping up to be a very significant year. Personal revelation has it that each prophetic year begins shortly after the Feast of Tabernacles, and that it begins…

The Right for Christians to be Spitless

On Oct. 12, 2004 the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, published an article by Amiram Barkat under the heading, "Christians In Jerusalem Want Jews To Stop Spitting On Them." "A few…

The Right to Exist and the Right to Steal

As a Christian with an American heritage, I accept the proposition of our national founders that all rights come from God alone--not from governments of men. Governments can only…

Ariel Sharon and Jerusalem: Part 2

In the New Testament, Jesus came to earth. He was the rightful king, not only of Israel but of the whole earth. The people rejected Him. They were given another 40 of grace years…

Ariel Sharon and Jerusalem: Part 1

I was in California last week end just as Ariel Sharon went into the hospital after a massive stroke. So I have not yet commented on this news event. And again, I will be flying to…